Chapter 24

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Hiii! This is kinda a filler. Kinda not that interesting but just wanted get something up for you to read. Over the weekend ill definitely update again and it will be alot bettter. The updates will probably be slower because i just started school and Im pretty busy. Ill update when I can probably 2 or 3 times a week, not making any promises though but ill try.

Typed this up on my fone so it might be short and have a few mistakes.



**Kylie's POV**

I knew that voice, I knew it too well.

As soon as I recognized the voice, anger bursted through me.

"Adrian, what are you doing here?" I asked strongly.

"I wanted to talk to you." he answered in a monotone.

"Please enlighten me on what made you think I wanted to talk to you? I want absolutely nothing to do with you! I dont understand why cant you leave me alone and let me be!" I screamed, letting all the anger pour out of me.

I didnt want to do this with him anymore. Of course I sti had frelings for him, but they were being replaced by anger. Yes I provoked Adrian but I didnt think he was going to take it that far. I felt so bad that Trent was hurt because of him.

I knew it was the alcohol that was making me so straightforward and flirty, but it felt good. I felt that I could get any boy I wanted, and I didnt need Adrian.

"Just please listen. I was wrong I know that and I know I should feel sorry, but I dont. Everytime I saw him touch you and hold you tighter The anger rose in me , and then when he pressed his lips to yours I just lost control. I dont want anyone touching you other then me, I love you Kylie and you belong with me." Adrian said strongly.

I looked at him with disbelief. Was he actually saying these things?

I like Trent I really do, but in the back of my mind I know he'll never make me feel like Adrian does. He wont make me happy to the point where im giddy. He wont put the butterflies in my stomach like Adrian did. He wasnt worth the risk of getting hurt. And all of that made me angry. I was mad because Adrian made me feel things that I never imagined I could feel. But all he did was hurt me, and all I could do was hope that over time I could feel those things for Trent.

"I dont care Adrian! You hurt me! If I belonged to you then I would be with you right now and im not! You need to get over it and let me do what I want!" I shouted.

We stared at eachother in silence for a few moments, until Adrian got up and stepped closer to me.

"I know you love me Ky, even after what I said to you. You still care and want to be with me. Your just trying to fight it because it seems like the right thing to do, but its not." He said standing inches away from me.

"Just give us a chance... you wont regret it." He continued as he gently cupped my cheek with his hand.

Deep down I knew he was right, but I couldn't admit it. I was afraid I would regret it. I needed to go with the safer choice and be without him, even though it will be harder, in the long run its less painful.

So I gritted my teeth and masked my face from all the emotions I held inside. He couldn't tell that the touch of his hand on my cheek was driving me insane.

"You should go, before Bobby comes back." I said in a monotone and walked up the stairs and in the house, without looking back.

**Adrian's POV**

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