Chapter 29

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**Adrians POV**

Immediately after having that conversation with my brothers I called Kevin.

He was happy to hear from me, I wish I could tell him the same.

We agreed to meet up tomorrow to talk about everything that was going on, he was supposed to text me details.

Don't worry Adrian; you're going to be fine. He's not going to ask anything to crazy. You're finally happy with Kylie, and it's going to stay that way. I kept repeating to myself in my head.

I couldn't understand why I was being so paranoid, all I knew nothing good could come out of this meeting with Kevin.

That night when Kylie came over, I couldn't stop thinking about what Kevin was going to ask of me.

"What's wrong?" Kylie asked breaking me from my trance.

"What? Nothing." I said.

"Are you sure? You seem a little distant." She said.

"Yeah, just tired I guess." I said.

I could tell she didn't believe me, but I was thankful that she didn't push the issue.

After a while Kylie fell asleep on my chest.

I watched her as she slept; she looked so peaceful and beautiful. I didn't understand how I got so lucky. I knew I didn't deserve her, but I was so happy that I got her. Every day I woke up and went to sleep thinking about how amazing she is. She made me feel like I was worth more than this.

I couldn't imagine my life without her. Just knowing that she could be taken away from me so quickly, scared me. I would do anything just to keep her with me.

I fell asleep thinking about a life with Kylie, without any secrets or gangs. A life far away from here, just me and her.


A beep from my phone was what woke me up. I looked over to Kylie who was still fast asleep.

I reached over to the table by my bed and picked up my phone, trying not to move and wake up Kylie.

It was a text from Kevin.

'Meet me tonight. Pink Den, 11.'

The Pink Den wasn't exactly the place for a guy with a girlfriend. It was a strip club that Kevin's dad owned. I used to go there all the time. But I knew it would be safe because none of Victor's men would be there.

"What's that?" I heard Kylie ask in her raspy sexy morning voice.

"Oh nothing" I said as I quickly shut the phone and placed it back down on the table.

"Oh okay." She said puzzled.

"How did you sleep?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Great." She said with a smile.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"9:30." I answered.

"I should probably get going before they wake up." She said.

"I wish you wouldn't have to leave." I said.

Having her sleep with me at night was amazing, but I just hated that it had to end.

"I'll see you later." She said with a smile.

Then I remembered, I had to go out tonight. I had no idea how I was going to explain this to her. I wanted to tell her, but I just couldn't. What was I supposed to say 'Kylie I got to go to a strip club tonight to meet my crazy stalkers brother?' Im pretty sure that wouldn't go to well.

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