Summer Time

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Several months had passed since the Beacon Dance and everything seemed to run more smoothly than you originally thought it would be. Grades were fine, friends were just fine and Roman hadn't been seen for months since that giant robot attack. While your father went to hunt down the gang leader, you all finished off the school year. Regardless though, there was still one thing this year that you were forced to take...exams.

It was a beast that had to be tackled no matter what the cause was. Unless you had exemptions based upon higher grades. You were at the brink of getting several exams exempted but you weren't high enough. However, your girlfriend's grades, of course they were higher than yours. She was the realistic, down to earth, while you had your head in the clouds, but still both were ready to face any challenge.

You were taking a biology exam with Professor Peach. It wasn't a hard test, but it was still something you weren't particularly fine with. It was a rigorous process, but after nearly two hours of testing you were finally finished with that blasted test. The only one of your teammates that got to the exemption seat was Silver, of course. Regardless of that, you were finally free and you had summer to enjoy.

You began to take a stroll around Beacon, looking and or waiting for Blake to arrive. However, you already knew exactly where she was and headed towards the gardens. Upon arriving at the gardens of Beacon, you began to scan the area looking for her. Spotting her almost instantly, you smiled and walked over to Blake. She glanced up and away from her book and saw you. Blake offered you a small cutesy smile she was known for as you took a seat down beside her.

Blake: How was it?

(Y/N): It wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Sure, there were a few moments here and there, but then again. It's not like I'm going to see her ever again.

Blake: Well, who knows.

(Y/N): No offense, but I highly doubt it. So...what now?

Blake: Well, I was going to finish this book.

(Y/N): Boring much? (Blake elbows you in the stomach) OW! Ok, ok, geez.

Blake: Why don't you sketch something?

(Y/N): I would if I had my sketch book with me.

Blake: Sounds like a you problem.

(Y/N): Good to know.

With that, you and Blake just sat in silence as she continued to read on her own while you held her hand. Eventually, time progressed so much that you actually fell asleep next to Blake, leaning against her as you slept. Finally, you woke up and saw the world completely sideways. You glanced around and saw that your head was currently on Blake's lap. She glanced down at you and smiled slightly at seeing you awake. She leaned down and pecked your cheek, making the both of you blush.

(Y/N): What? The cheek? Is that all I'm good for?

Blake: Yes. Yes it is.

You rolled your eyes and laughed a bit as did Blake. You shifted your body to look up at Blake while lying on your back. Blake leaned down once again and captured your lips into a kiss. You kissed back with what you hoped was equal passion. After the need for air outweighed your love for one another, you broke the kiss and leaned back against the tree and Blake's legs respectively. You both smiled and laughed a bit to yourselves.

(Y/N): So, how was the book? It was the sequel to Dr. Ventus, right?

Blake: Yeah. It was.

(Y/N): What's wrong? You sound kinda depressed over that.

Blake: It wasn't that good of a follow up. I mean, it wasn't bad but it had a lot to live up to. They even took away some of the action scenes in replace them with dialogue and information we were told earlier in the book or the last one. The first three chapters were pretty good then things got overly complicated.

(Y/N): Sorry to hear that.

Blake: Eh. No offense, but you wouldn't understand.

(Y/N): Offense taken.

Blake rolled her eyes and leaned back down and pecked your lips and cheek again.

(Y/N): Slightly better.

You and Blake just laughed a bit and enjoyed the silence for the next few moments.

(Y/N): So, what do you want to do now? We could go to the library and get you another book or something?

Blake: I don't know. Maybe we can-(Stomach grows)

You just began to laugh as Blake blushed a bit in embarrassment. She glanced away and turned her head until you turned her back to face you and your smile.

(Y/N): Tuna N' Subs?

Blake: Yeah. That works.

You sat up and got up and offered a hand to Blake. She took it and you both went on down to the docks of Beacon Academy. Just looking around at the area, you could just see the mass amounts of ships flying around Beacon. You both knew the docks were going to be relatively active since the official school year was over for now at least.

Regardless, you and Blake got onto an opened ship and flew on down towards the city of Vale. The place was covered in a variety of people from all over Remnant as it always is. A few Atlas soldiers walked the streets, still on high alert from Roman's antics as well as The Vytal Festival security. Despite all of that, you and Blake still made your way back to the restaurant that you both loved so much.

Bruno: Hey, Hey, Hey! Looks who back this time!

(Y/N): Hey, Bruno.

Bruno: Heyya. How's my little girl? She doing alright at Beacon?

Blake: Velvet's just fine. She got exempt and is with Coco and Yatsu right now.

Bruno: Well, thanks for that one. Usuals?

Blake: If you don't mind?

Bruno: Not at all! Jay! Get these two what they want!

Jay: (Off-screen) Got it, Boss!

Yeah, Velvet's father ran the Tuna N' Subs. He was always generous to the Beacon customers, especially after Velvet began going there. Bruno Scarletina was far from a Faunus, having marrying a rabbit Faunus and getting two rabbit Faunus children, one of which was Velvet. He was also one of the few outside of Beacon who knew of Blake's Faunus heritage.

Outside of that little background, Bruno was a nice man. He knew actually where you two sat, ate and drank at the restaurant. You got your BLT while Blake had a tuna sandwich, both enjoying soft drinks and chips as sides.

Blake: I want to talk to you about something.

(Y/N): Oh no. That's never a good sign.

Blake: No. I do not want to break up with you.

(Y/N): Well...that's better I guess.

Blake: (Y/N). I think it's time we both do this. We've been dating for almost a year now and I think it's about time for you to meet them.

(Y/N): Them? Blake, you know I love the cryptic side of you, but please, don't play the pronoun game with me.

Blake: (Giggles) Ok, ok. So...I want you to met my parents.

You nearly began to cough on your drink. After calming down from the cough you saw Blake give you this deadpanned look like she was not happy with the response.

(Y/N): Are you serious? Blake, last time I checked I was not ideal "boyfriend" material. And...and, what if they don't even like me that much.

Blake: (Y/N). I honestly think it's about time.

(Y/N): I know, I know. (Sighs) Ok. So, where do they live? Vale? Mistral?

Blake: Menagerie.

Oh...that is going to be fun. 

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into the SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now