An Invasion

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The morning was cool yet hot at the same time. The sun began to glow into your eyes and slowly forced you to wake up from your sleep in Menagerie. Your eyes opened and you glanced down at the weight on your chest. Just glancing down you saw Blake sleeping down on your chest, the sun bouncing off her long black hair. You couldn't help yourself but stroke it while also petting her cat ears. A small purr came from her as she cuddled up closer to you. You still weren't fully comfortable with Blake insisting on sharing a bed with you but for the time being, it was still kinda cute how she slept.

You smiled as you kept up the motion while also taking in the sights from your window. Sure, you saw a majority jungle but it was still so breathtaking to be 100% honest. After a few more seconds of cuddling up to you, Blake slowly began to crawl up towards your head and her purring got louder. You knew she was awake and just doing this for attention.

(Y/N): You're not fooling anyone here.

Blake: Meow.

(Y/N): Blake that was...just beyond stupid.

Blake: Well, I'm sorry. Just trying to be cutesy.

(Y/N): First of all, never use that word again. Secondly, you don't need to try and be cute. You'll already the most adorable thing here.

Blake leans even closer to your face and purrs again and pecks your cheek.

Blake: Well, now you're just trying to flatter me.

Blake pecks along your cheek and slowly kisses your lips. You of course, kiss back but you are the one to break the kiss after a few seconds.

(Y/N): Why do you love doing this?

Blake: Cause I can. Now, shut up and go back to sleep.

(Y/N): Sheesh, so controlling. You sure you're aren't Weiss?

Blake: If I am becoming her, I want you to slap my face and stop me by any means.

(Y/N): Yes ma'am.

Blake: Don't call me "ma'am". Sounds to formal.

(Y/N): Well, last time I checked, this island will be yours one day.

Blake: And don't remind me.

You chucked to yourself and pulled Blake closer to you and pecked her cheek again before locking eyes and kissing one another again. After the kiss, Blake moved to laid down besides you.

The two of you cuddled back up a bit closer together this time to enjoy the body heat you both gave off. After a small peck on the cheek, the two of you finally decided to go on down to the kitchen and get something to eat. The two of you were the first one's down that morning and decided to get everything ready for breakfast today. You were busy making eggs and toast and setting the table while Blake decided to hand make quiche and bacon.

After the table, you began to make some coffee for everyone in the house. Finally, after a few minutes, the parents of Blake came on down. Aside from being more than surprised, the two were very happy with themselves and the breakfast provided for them. You didn't know if they were actually being sweet and happy or they were being kind to you since you were dating their daughter. Regardless, the morning seemed pretty fine.

From there, you and Blake began to go on a fun run around Kua Kuawa. The town was already very active with venders lining the streets and fresh fruit and other produce already for the picking. Running towards the Shallow Sea, you and Blake stopped by a small hut and got some drinks before you continued your run.

Finding a nice table, the two of you sat down and began to enjoy the sunrise in its fullest extent.

Blake: This is nice.

(Y/N): Yeah. No death. No devastation. I mean sure, your father did attempt to kill me but yeah.

Blake: Wait, what?

(Y/N): Don't worry about it. (Glances out to see) And some new people showing up.

Blake: With an arial escort? You cant do that here! Its against any treaty we have with the outside.

You both glance over and see Kali and Ghira walking down to the docks. You both get up and run over towards him.

Blake: Dad! What's happening?!

Ghira: I don't know. But we're about to find out.

With that, you all follow with Menagerie citizens and guards all ready for what is to come. Finally, the ship lands as do one of the bullheads. From the bullhead outstepped a man with a familiar cane, red hair and hat, Roman Torchwick along with some henchmen from Vale. Roman waved to his goons to start unloading something, but what it was, was unknown.

Ghira: And you are?

Roman: Um? Oh, yes, hello. My name is Roman Torchwick. And I've come to make you a-(Sees you and Blake) What the-? You're here too?!

Kali: You know these people.

(Y/N): Yeah. (Fires off a rocket, hitting the bullhead and destroying it.) Doesn't mean I like them.

Roman: THAT! Was uncalled for!

Everyone looked up to the other bullhead and saw Roman standing there with Neo at his side.

Roman: Well, chief, seeing as my business is with them real quick, I'll be a minute. (Guards come out of hiding and aim at the people) Meanwhile, the boys can treat you to something nice.

Ghira: No! Everyone on this island is under my protection and jurisdiction. And so far, you have already broken more than enough laws. If you want a fight (extends claws) You have one.

Roman blows some smoke from his cigar.

Roman: Ok. Kill 'em. Neo. If you would.

The guards open fire and Roman's men begin to open fire as well. Neo flips out of the bullhead and runs towards you. Blake throws her sword towards Neo but the girl shatters as the real Neo kicks Blake's side and launches her away.

Blake: I really hate that girl.

Blake glanced up and sees Neo smiling at her before the little one attempts to stab Blake with her umbrella. Before Neo can fully attack, Blake evades the strike and begins to back up while Neo continues her assault. Blake finally gets onto her feet and and swings, blocking Neo's next attack. As the two of them go and continue the fight, Ghira and Kali begin to lead some Menagerie guards against Roman's men.

You leap back and fire another rocket towards the bullhead. The rocket hits the ship and begins to fall back into the sea. Roman leaps from the ship and lands on the docks. A few Menagerie guards run towards him but he gets up and shoots them all.

(Y/N): NO!

Roman glances up and sees you charging forward. You tackle Roman and bring your drill down towards him. Roman backs away as your drill hits the docks. You begin to constantly attack him, wailing your drill down onto his cane. He fires off a round from his cane and it hits a small stand. Your eyes widen as you begin to rush over to help people but are stopped by Roman. He swings his cane and hits the back of your head and sends you face first into the water below.

You swim back up only to have a hand force back under. Roman's hand. He laughs to himself as he slowly drowns you.

Roman: Have a nice swim, kid. You know, I have to say this has been a long time coming. See, I knew that little girl of yours would be trouble so I brought a friend along.

Roman pulls you by your hair and throws you against the dock, almost breaking it. You cough a bit as the fighting stops and a figure emerges from the ship.

Blake's eyes widen and fear covers her face.

Blake: No. Adam.

Adam Taurus stands before everyone on Roman's boat with radical White Fang members taking aim at the Menagerie guards. Ghira and Kali look on in fear and disgust. Guards move to fight them as some Menagerie citizens also have looks of horror to their faces. Adam looks around and slowly smirks as he sees Blake standing before him, equal fear on her face.

Adam: Hello, my Darling. 

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into the SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now