Running Away Together (Epilogue Part 2)

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Needless to say that the engagement celebrations did get a bit overly crazy that night and, well, long story short, Blake got pregnant. You may have no been able to feel anything from the waist down, didn't mean you could do your job like a pro. BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!!! With that said, both you and her knew that you were the correct pairing so before the baby could be born, you both planned on the wedding day to be moved up a bit in advance. From there, things got pretty hectic and well...some things also seemed to be a bit more hectic within the families.

Ghira and Kali were really put off guard with the whole thing but were welcoming and accepting, but still a little upset with it happening before the marriage. They were kinda old school like that, though you weren't complaining. Regardless, they began to support you as did your father and mother. Yeah sure, they weren't on the best of speaking terms, even to you, but they still decided to attend the wedding. From there, there was invites, cards, decor, picking out who would be in the wedding or not and just so, so much more.

You and Blake were mostly separated day after day for work and planning. You had meetings with Ozpin about you had to do for work. Blake also had a lot of intense work with the PI she worked at. Criminals were on the rise but other than that, you both had a lot more intense wedding planning as well.

Every time you and Blake would come home from wedding planning, you both would just crash on the couch and just pass out for more than a few hours. Then Blake would get all upset over food and what not. Planning a wedding is far from enjoyable, especially if the person you are marrying is also pregnant and there is a deadline to getting everything done quickly. It also didn't help that you were in physical therapy a lot in the past few months.

You had requested Weiss or someone to use whatever means necessary to get you some new legs for both the wedding and your future at Beacon Academy. Weiss was easily able to get funding and get you into new legs. You slowly began to get back into walking once again albeit slowly and with a cane. The cane was probably the best part of the new legs outside of the legs themselves as you could finally fully move around without a need to stop. The worst part was easily the pain and challenge that came with them. It was odd and hard to actually walk about nearly 6 years without the use of your legs.

It was even more odd to have your actual legs amputated in order to get this to work. But aside from that, it was absolutely worth it. You weren't able to do as much as you would like but it was still great to walk again. Sure physical therapy was a bitch in a half but it was worth it. That and it made you crash on the couch with Blake faster than ever once you were done.

So, the day finally came and everything seemed to be just fine. You had Gure as your best man with the rest of your team and Jaune and Ren serving as back up. Yang was made into the maid of honor and everything seemed to be just fine. You were at the entrance of the church, struggling to walk a bit as you were pacing around the floor.

Gure: Why are you doing that again?

(Y/N): Because that way I can get used to these legs. I'm sorry that its been six years without these things. That and I'm internally freaking out so I do this to calm my nerves.

Gure: Well, it's nice to know that you still have your priorities in order. No matter how weird they are.

You and your groomsmen just looked at Gure with deadpanned eyes.

Gure: What?

You sigh as you keep walking back and forth. A few drops of sweat are coming from your hair line. While small, it is enough to have Ren notice and walk over to you with a towel and hands it over to you. He then placed his hand on you and activated his semblance to calm you down.

(Y/N): Thanks Ren.

Ren: Of course. I hope you are aware there is nothing to overly concern yourself with.

(Y/N): I mean, I am getting married know.

Ren nodded, agreeing with you. The doors leading to the main room of the church and outsteps your father. He smiles at you and walks over to you and places a hand on your shoulder.

Father: Ready son?

(Y/N): Not really, but do I really have a choice right now?

Father: Yeah, but you could always do what your mother and I did.

(Y/N): How about, no.

Father: Just offering son.

(Y/N): You're offer sucks, Dad.

The doors open again and Ghira steps out, also wearing a tex like your father.

Ghira: Give it a rest, Clayton. Let the boy have his ease.

(Y/N): Boy? I'm twenty-three.

Ghira: Good for you. Blake's just about ready. Don't let me down.

You nodded as he passed you. Ghira walked off as you took in a deep breath. Gure patted you on the back as the others went off to get ready with the bridesmaids.

Clayton: I'm going to ask you again, you ready?

(Y/N): Well, what do you think?

Your father smiles and pats your shoulder.

Clayton: You're ready alright. Let's go, son.

You and your father walked on up to the alter and got into positions. The wedding man gave you a smile as the music began to play. One by one, your groomsmen and Blake's bridesmaids walked. Pyrrha and Jaune, Ren and Nora, Burly and Ruby, Silver and Weiss finally, Gure and Yang. Finally, both Ghira and Blake began to walk down the isle.

You kept up your confident look as Blake stepped before you and you removed her veil. You glanced outward towards the crowd to see if full of friends and families. You could see Ozpin, Professors Goodwitch, Peach and Port, Doctor Oobleck, other teachers from the school and other academies. Obviously your mother and father along with Blake's parents along with some people from Blake's work. It still amazed you that so many people came here for this.

Your gaze returned to Blake as you felt her squeeze your hands with hers.

Wedding Man: We are here to honor the marriage between (Y/N) (L/N) and Blake Belladonna. Both have shown honor, tenacity, and countless other adjectives that could describe the couple so we will just move on.

Both you and Blake cocked eyebrows and glanced over to Yang, who had a massive grin on her face. You both look back at one another and roll your eyes and smile at one another.

Wedding Man: So, shall we? (Coughs) (Y/N) (L/N). Do you vow, to support the family that you will form together? To never stop fighting and to value any and all lives, human or Faunus. Man, women, or child.

(Y/N): I do.

Wedding Man: Do you, Blake Belladonna, vow to love and support your family, to continue to fight in the name of freedom, safety and to never cease the ideals of peace in this lifetime or beyond to the next?

Blake: I do.

Wedding Man: Then you may kiss the bride.

You and Blake smile at one another and leaned and kiss. The crowd cheers in love and applause together in celebration. You two break the kiss and smile at one another and lean your foreheads against one another, smiles on your faces.

Blake: Want to runaway again?

(Y/N): All the way to the sunset, Kitty.

The two of you take one another's hands and run outside of the church, ready to start a new life...together. As runaways. 

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into the SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now