Meeting the Family

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It had been an awkward first meeting to say the least. You and Blake had struggled to reveal your human identity to her parents and they were a bit skeptical over the whole idea as well. However, the four of you still sat down at a small dinning center within the house and had tea. Blake and her mother were having a nice conversation while you were sipping on some tea Kali made for you all.

Kali: I'm sure Beacon or Vale aren't NEARLY as bad as you once thought.

Blake: Honestly, not at all. I mean, the food there isn't much better but the people can be rather nice. (Blake glances over at you) Some more than others.

You see the glance and smile to yourself.

Kali: We saw you in the Vytal Tournament. You've clearly grown in your skill.

Blake: Thanks. Beacon was really adamant when it came to training first years.

Kali: Well, you and your team did make it to the finals. If it wasn't for that Nikos girl, I'm sure Yang would have won it all.

Blake: Eh, that's debatable. She could have lost to this guy. (She points at you)

(Y/N): No she wouldn't.

Blake: You don't know that?

(Y/N): Please, she could get me into a head lock before I could even throw a punch.

Ghira coughed, gaining everyone's attention.

Ghira: Now then. I would still like to know the fullest extend of your relationship with my daughter?

Blake: Dad? Seriously?

Ghira: What? A father can't be curious over the life his daughter's life and who else is in it?

(Y/N): No. He's right. It's just basic boyfriend-girlfriend type of ordeal.

Ghira: Really?

Kali: Ghira! Can you please not be overly paranoid for once?

Ghira: I'm just-

Kali: Sorry (Y/N). He gets like this sometimes.

You nodded in response and kept drinking the tea. From there, the conversation got a little awkward once again with Blake and yourself somewhat interrogated by her father for a few more hours. Her mother heavily tried to stop him but it didn't really work out at all. Regardless of that, Kali was kind enough to show you to your own room and make a little joke to her husband about how you and Blake were a lot like herself and Ghira around your ages. Minus the human factor of course.

Honestly, it was a nice change a pace. You were very surprised that Blake's description about her parents were right all along. Kali was truly a caring person while Ghira was intimidating was also very kind to his wife and daughter.

That was actually something you admired about Ghira. It was certainly something your dad wasn't the best at or heck, even your own mother wasn't that good either. Of course it was also terrifying seeing stare you down constantly but other than that, it was pretty chill. As the night came around, everyone in the house decided to call it a night. Almost, everyone. You had stirred yourself awake and walked to one of the balconies of the manor and looked out across the stars. It was still amazing to you that you were on the Faunus home land.

Kali: Can't sleep either, huh?

You turned around and saw Blake's mother walking up to you. She joins in leaning on the railing of the balcony.

(Y/N): It's just a new environment, that's all. Not meant to be insulting at all.

Kali: I wasn't. Just making sure Ghira's snoring didn't keep you awake.

(Y/N): Hardly. After you hear Burly's, Ghira's is like a lullaby.

That got a little laugh from the woman.

Kali: I certainly hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I am still amazed that Blake fell in love with a human.

(Y/N): Offense somewhat taken. Why is that a surprise?

Kali: Well, when she left us, she had a particular...distain for the humans. She thought you were...well-

(Y/N): I understand. Didn't mean to cause a problem.

Kali: You hardly are causing any problems here. I'm just happy that Blake found someone better than compared to the last boy she brought home.

(Y/N): She mentioned that on the ship ride here. What happened?

Kali: Adam was...different. Insane even. Call it fairy tale love. The two of them took off together. Haven't seen Blake since then. Well, now we have.

(Y/N): Man. I knew she was dark but never that dark. I can promise you, I will never do anything to harm Blake.

Kali: I know you wouldn't. You don't seem like it. That and any person going to Beacon has to be good somewhere.

(Y/N): Eeehhhh. That's questionable. But I appreciate the sentiment. Really I do. must be cool, married to a chief.

Kali: It's always an adventure. I'd met him just after he formed the Fang.

(Y/N): Must've been a good day.

Kali: Didn't start out that way. I used to be a wondering gypsy girl, traveling from place to place with a tribe of other Faunus. My tribe was then attacked by Grimm. Some of us thought we were goners. Next thing you know, a group of Faunus warriors emerge from the brush and fight off the Grimm. That was the White Fang. When I first saw their leader, let's just say I was instantly head over heels. Of course the girls noticed and forced me into a little victory dance. I think it did the trick. They offered some of us to join and I did so and well, things just took off from there.

(Y/N): Seems like you two just had it.

Kali: Yep. Still do. So...why Blake?

(Y/N): Why not? Maybe I'm just into the emo girls? Maybe it's her brains. I really cant say. But she's cool.

Kali: Yes. Yes she is. Well, I'll leave you by your lonesome. (She begins to walk away) Oh, by the way, as a warning of two things. First, Ghira is taking you out to Mt. Kawa tomorrow. Wants to test your abilities head on.

(Y/N): Alright? The second thing? (Eyes widen) Wait, what was that first one again?!

Kali seemingly moved with such speed she nearly teleported in front of you. She had a knife and thrusted it forward, almost connecting with your neck. You raised your arms in defense as you stared down at the knife.

Kali: If you threaten ANYTHING on this island, I will kill you.

(Y/N): Uh...Yeah. (Gulps) Got that.

She retracted the knife and smiles.

Kali: Just checking. Have a goodnight now.

With that, Kali walked off while you took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. You essentially fell onto the balcony in terror and fear. After some more deep breaths, you regained your composure and got back up to your feet.

From there, you walked back over to your room. You collapsed onto your bed and tried your best to pass out. After a few minutes of rest, you felt yourself drift off but felt something move your arm and cuddle up to you. You knew it was Blake so you moved your hand to scratch behind her cat ear.

Blake: Mom threaten you?

(Y/N): Yep. Man, she is scary.

Blake: Yep. (leans up and kisses you) Night.

(Y/N): Shouldn't you be in your own bed?

Blake: Night.

(Y/N): I'm just-

Blake: NIGHT!

Blake kissed you on the cheek and crashed down besides your head. You slowly began to smile and rolled your eyes. You closed them, finally deciding to call it a night with your girlfriend in your arms. 

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into the SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now