The Ex-Boyfriend

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Within the streets of Menagerie, away from the docks, a few sword slashes could be heard. A few residents step out of their homes and look out across the street to see what was happening within the town. However, all those who desire to look to find the source of the sounds were cancelled as both Blake and Adam clashed down onto the street with one another and pushed one another back a bit further. The two of them readied their blades once again and charged towards one another and clash.

Menagerie citizens run back inside their homes and lock their doors, only using the windows to watch the fight at hand. Blake and Adam glare at one another before charging towards each other again.

Adam thrusts his blade down and Blake is leapt back. She rolls along the ground and throws her grabbling hook to the ground beside him and launches herself forward. Blake runs around Adam and the White Fang leader begins to open fire. Blake is able to evade all the bullets and Adam is unable to see that Blake is slowly tying Adam up. After a few more seconds, Adam's arm is wrapped up and Adam finally notices. He slashes at the cable and breaks it and breaks out of the hold.

Before Adam could do any more, he is hit in the chest by Blake's boots and is thrown back. Blake backflips and lands on her own two feet while Adam lands straight onto his back. Adam gets back up and the two of them slowly begin to dance around the streets of the town. None of them says anything to the other, but they do run at one another and continue their fight. Adam swings down towards Blake but she easily dodges and kicks his stomach before reeling back and going in for a roundhouse kick.

Adam bends backwards and avoids the attack and rolls forward and swings. Blake leaps over the blade but is still punched in the head by Adam.

Adam: I still cannot believe it. I did everything for you! I supported you! I loved you! I did everything I could to make you happy!

Adam slams his blade down towards Blake. Blake is barely able to counter the strike but is able to block the next one. Adam then begins to wail down on her own blade over and over again. She is struggling to keep up the defense as Adam begins wailing down onto her.

Adam: I was the voice of our people!!! You were suppose to love me! We were going to make them suffer! And now? Now you apparently love one? You love a monster??!!

Blake: I did! Which is why I picked him over you.

Blake kicks Adam again but he grabs her hair and pulls it, bringing Blake back to him. Adam knees her in the stomach before elbowing her onto the ground. Blake slowly crawls away as Adam follows. A few people begin to leave their homes again and look at Adam and Blake.

Adam: We were meant to make them all DIE!!! We were in LOVE!

(Y/N): HEY!!!

Both Adam and Blake turn to see you with your rocket launcher fully loaded and aimed towards Adam.

(Y/N): Now then. Currently, there are only two things I love the most and they are on this street. First and foremost is obviously Blake, the second being the idea and future where I take this rocket and blow your head off.

Adam: And what? Save these people?! You're a human!!! Why should you care?!

(Y/N): I am a huntsman. And as a huntsman it is my duty to protect anyone from any background against people like you. Or I die trying. Now then, as perviously stated. You, Adam Taurus, are under arrest for violating several treaties between Menagerie and the outside world. Along with treason, attempted murder, actual murder, and several, SEVERAL other crimes. But the one that makes me really want to kill you is this. (Cocked your rocket launched) You abused my Blake.

You fired off your rocket and it flew directly towards Adam. Adam unleashed a slash and cut the thing into two, causing a small explosion to form. However, you burst through the fires and punch Adam directly in the face, sending him flying.

(Y/N): And that, is more than unforgivable.

You glanced and kneel down beside Blake and take her into your arms.

(Y/N): Hey. You ok? Anything bruised or scrapped?

Blake: I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

(Y/N): Oh, I'm going to be worrying about you till the day I die. (You both glance over to Adam standing up) Shall we?

Blake smirks and you both stand up and begin to walk towards Adam.

Blake: Stay in your homes. He's ours.

You and Blake then charged in towards Adam. Adam also lunges forward and drawn his sword but raises both sword and sheath against you two. Both of Adam's "blades" clash against yours and Blake and you both land opposite one another. After landing past one another, the three of you do the same move against one another three times in succession until Adam stops and begins to fire off a few rounds with his rifle.

He then takes aim at a small home's window and fires. You instinctively run over to it and blocks the bullet from hitting the home. You lunge towards Adam and slam your drill down onto the ground where he once stood. You then swing kick and attempt to strike his legs but Adam also evades that too. Finally, you spin around and take the tip of your drill and aim it directly at Adam's head. Adam raises his blade and deflects the strike, but the two weapons do cause some sparks to fly off of them until Adam slashes downward and pushes you off of him.

You slide back along the ground, still in the fight. Adam runs up to you and slashes his blade which you counter with his drill. The two of you slash at one another until Adam kicks your chest and sends you flying. After your slide is over you look up and see a red glow coming from Adam. Blake's eyes widen and she runs up to Adam and begins using melee attacks on him, but Adam blocks and counters and punches Blake away.

(Y/N): Blake!

You were just about to run over to your girlfriend until Adam unleashed a massive slash of power and energy directly at you. You raised your drill in defense but it was not enough as the slash sent you flying. You could feel your aura dissipate as the slash hit you. You hit a large wooden wall and slide along the ground.

Blake: (Y/N)!!!

Adam: Since when did you ever care?! He's a human. Not one of us!

Blake didn't say anything put raised her pistol and aimed it at Adam.

Blake: A huntress protects everyone. From every monster.

Adam: think I'm the monster here? They're the monsters, not me.

Elderly Woman: Really?

Both Adam and Blake turn to see an elderly woman with horns step out into the streets.

Elderly Woman: If they are the monsters here, then why is that boy protecting us more than you.

Adam: Huh. Then you will die with them.

A gunshot is heard and Adam's rifle is knocked from his hand. He looks over to see Blake aimed directly towards him. Adam takes his blade and runs forwards towards Blake to attack her. As Adam swings his sword towards her, Blake uses her semblance and evades the attack. She raises both her hands and slams them on the back of Adam's head. Adam tumbles along the ground and lands at the feet of a bat Faunus.

The bat head butts Adam's head. The White Fang leader reels back a punch and socks the Faunus in the face. Then random Faunus citizens tackle Adam, some punching him, others hitting his legs, all trying to bring him down while he fights back. Finally, Adam's aura breaks and Blake comes in and kicks him in his mouth, getting some blood from it. Adam rolls along the ground and is knocked out.

A bit further off, Ghira and Kali continue to fight Roman off. Roman rolls away from an attack from Kali and kicks her leg before swinging and hitting her with his cane. As Ghira comes in for an attack, Roman fires off a round at Ghira's chest and flies back. Roman lands in your lie of sight, so you grab your rocket launcher and fire at Roman.

Roman: Now then. We can all just shut up and-(sees rocket) Oh fuc-

The rocket hit Roman square in the chest and blew up. Roman was killed instantly. Back at the street, Menagerie guards and citizens take Adam away as Blake runs over towards you and kneels down beside you.

Blake: (Y/N)? (Y/N) are you ok?

(Y/N): Blake. I can't. I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs!

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into the SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now