Chase Scene 3

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There you all stood, a complete face off between you, your girlfriend, and your father all willing to beat the crap out of Roman Torchwick. You had your drill aimed directly towards Torchwick's smug face as did Blake with her SMG. Meanwhile Roman had the tip of his cane pointed directly at your father's head. Roman slowly began to walk away from both you and Blake, however, all three of you never dropped your aim from the other.

Roman: You know, we all REALLY need to stop meeting like this. People are going to talk about it.

(Y/N): Noted. Can I have my dad back?

Roman: Give me a moment to think about that.

Roman began to drag your father back within onto some form of platform. Both you and Blake kept your aim up and were ready to fire. As Roman stepped onto the platform, other goons began to follow suit as well, also joining in the standoff. Despite all this, Roman, you and Blake all have calm looks on your faces as Roman played his little game with you all.

Roman: Sorry kiddos, deals (presses button) OFF!

(Y/N): Never a deal to begin with!

You opened fire at Roman and his boys and they fired back at you. Blake quickly tackled you out of harms way and you both leaned out of cover but ducked again when some bullets whizzed by you.

(Y/N): Thanks for the save.

Blake: One of these days, those bullets will actually hit you.

(Y/N): Psh! Don't be dramatic! Hey, speaking of, what did that button do exactly?

An explosion goes off behind you all as some of the cave falls. Roman and his men begin to move on the platform. Your eyes widened as you realized that it was another train.

(Y/N): does that.

Blake wasted no time at all and ran over to the train and kicked a goon off of it and began to ride the train with Roman. You also quickly ran to the train, hopping onto the car behind the platform. You climbed up the car and saw Blake quickly attack Roman's thugs while he carried your father further down the train.

Deciding to waste no time, you leapt to the flatbed and rolled forward and punched two different goons and threw them off of the train. You then roll forward again and roundhouse kicks another thug off of the train. You ran up past Blake and punched another foe away from her.


Blake began to chase after you. The two of you ran to the next car. Blake leapt up to the roof while you burst through the door of the car. You slowly began to walk through the car, getting a good feel for the area. You were stopped however as Blake came crashing into the car. You quickly kneeled down next to her and helped her up. You glanced upwards and saw a hulking man jump down and reel back a sucker punch and hit you directly in the nose.

(Y/N): Oh man! That was my good side!

Blake: Every side is your good side now FOCUS!!

Blake charged forward as you smiled and joined it. The two of you danced around the large man until Blake went in for a shot. However, the man grabbed her and threw her into you.

You flew back as the man began to charge directly towards you. He was about to hit you again until he tripped over Blake's grabbing hook. You kicked upward and hit his head. Blake then pulled back and dragged the man to the other side of the car. He grabbed Blake and threw her against the car's wall before throwing her back towards you. You were able to catch her and slowly but her back down.

The big man then punched his fist twice before making a stampede towards you and Blake. Without a second thought or hesitation, you pulled out your rocket launcher and fired a single round at the man. The car's forward side completely blew up as the man was thrown outside the car and off to the side. Blake looked at you with a bit of an annoyed look while you just shrugged.

Blake Belladonna X Male Reader: Run into the SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now