|05- The Vow|

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I was back to my flat, after the beautiful weekend spent with my pack.

Saturday evening there was a bonfire held on the occasion of our Gamma's birthday. This was the occasion was for which I was called there in the first place.

We had enjoyed a lot yesterday still the happenings of Friday was haunting me.


My wolf had told me that I was so close to my mate yet so far. I knew he was there still I couldn't meet him. I hadn't told anyone about this but I wanted to meet him.

My wolf was angry at me, but what could I have done?

She knew how much I wanted a Mate but then.

Sighing, I hope the best for future.

I will meet him soon.

Soon I would be with my Mate.

But for now I have my interview to manage which is tomorrow which is in 'ALSD' the multi national company in Mumbai.

I was applying for the job of a P.A atleast for now, cause that would be a job where I wouldn't have to always be with the boss. If the boss is out of town I would get off's and thus I would be able to see my pack also.

I huff as I keep all my documents ready and go to the bed to have a goodnight sleep.

I so hope I get selected or else, I will have to apply in other places.

But I need this job for my life here, I am ashamed of now asking Parul ma for my household payments. I am 25, and I guess after they sponsered my education I don't want to burdern them with my daily expenses also.

If I don't get selected I will do any job either a waiter or any where but I would start being responsible and independent.


Oh Moon Goddess,please please please let me get selected!!

I was here waiting in the passage with so many more people all dressed up formally with their cv's ready.

And here I am so nervous worst my wolf- she has gone bonkers. Since the moment I have stepped here she is dancing.

Yes, I am not kidding. She is dancing and jumping. I haven't seen her so jumpy in a while.

'What happened to you?' I ask my wolf.

'I am soooo happy. You will be happy. I am dancing. Lalalalalallala.' My wolf replies.

As I sigh. Here my main concern is getting selectef and my wolf here is dancing. Be nervous dude.

I see people entering and leaving just in few minutes, wait isn't the interview suppose to me atleast a little longer?

Like maybe 15minutes, here candidates are leaving just in few minutes.

Oh goddess, if such people are leaving so soon, I see myself cladded in just a simple kurta and leggings. I don't think I will even be allowed inside.


I should have applied in Mc'Donalds and Dominos also, I would have atleast gotten a job today.

"Miss. Ragini Sharma." I hear a woman calling I get up nervously and move towards the door.

Oh Moon Goddess help me.

I knock the door lighlty and get a 'come in'as response.

As soon as I enter I see two males. Wait, I even get a strong smell.

Actually two.


I look at one of them who looks at me as if he had sniffed me too while when I shift my gaze to the one sitting on his chair.


My wolf screams. She screams. I look at that man's eyes and he stares back at mine.

Deeply. Sternly. Purely.

We keep staring at eachother when I hear theother man saying.

"You, you are a wolf, aren't you?" The other man says while I nod and shift my gaze to my silent mate who is still staring at me.

I notice his hands which are in a fist.

"Laksh, finally. See you said you wanted a wolf as a personal assistant she is perfect. But she is not from our pack. Maybe she is from the other pack, the one with which we have borders. But still-"

"Rohan leave." My mate- Laksh finally speaks as he gets up from the chair.

"Wait, you want me to tell her to leave or you want me to leave?" The Rohan guy says as he looks confused.

I look at my mate who starts walking dangerously towards me. I nervously look back at him while my wolf is dancing and joyously enjoying her 'Mate Meeting' process.

"Rohan. Leave. Now." My Mate angrily announces as he moves towards me.

"Right now." He adds when he sees Rohan was going to utter something.

"Oh. Okay." Rohan says and leaves quickly. The door slams shut while my mate moves even closer.

I unconsciously stand still there, waiting for him to reach.

As soon as he reaches closer, he slams me into the wall him hovering over me. His hands holding my arms tightly.

"Mate." He utters huskily and loud enough.

"Mate." I reply slowly yet contended.



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<2 year burday treat given completely>

I loved writing this.

I hope you are excited as I am.


Solace in my Mate |RagLak|[REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now