|22- Mating|

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Mature Content- also this is my first time writing it, sooo excusee the mistakes.

Alsoooo i wasnt going to upload but then it has been more than two weeks and no increased votes.

I am kinda disappointed. I had already written it half so i just completed it.

Not even going to ask for votes or targets😂🤦🏻‍♀️

Third Person.

"Ragu? What happened?" Parul entered the room hastily. Shocked to see Ragini on the floor crying.

"Burning." Ragini replied.

Not even a second and Parul's eyes drifted to the mark. Her mark. She knew what it was, clearly.

"Ragu, stand up." She helped her up.

"Maa, its paining." The strong Ragini was now throbbing with pain.

Parul's heart ached seeing her child this way. But she knew it was something all wolves, she-wolves experienced.

"Ragu, you are in your heat." She made it known to Ragini who now cried even more loudly.

"Maa-" Sanskaar's voice echoed in the room.

He couldn't complete the sentence as the scent that hit his nostrils made it impossible for the hunger inside him to calm.

"Sanskaar leave." Parul shouted.

No unmated men could control himself near a she wolf in her heat.

Without a word, Sanskaar ran down. He understood what the matter was and decided to stay away from it as much as he could.

Ragini was his sister and he didn't want to hurt her. Never.

"Maa, why." Ragini cried.

Her heart and mind were now fighting. Her heart wanted her mate near her. Close. Very close. But her mind knew Laksh would not even see her face now. He was so angry, pissed off completely.

Ragini knew it wasn't her fault and wasn't going to apologize but her current situation blocked her mind's warning. Her situation was worsening she needed Laksh.

Her heart, her body. Both of them, were in absolute need of Laksh, her mate.

"Ragu, sleep. Relax. Everything will fade away." Parul tried to sooth her. But in vain.

As the time passed, the pain increased but with that tiredness did too.

And soon she was in deep slumber, but not without deciding one thing. She was leaving for her flat the very next morning. She couldn't trouble her ma and papa. Also Sanskaar was being affected which he shouldn't. She didn't want to be a burdern for her family.

And when the moon had just started dissappearing, she left the pack house with her belongings. Leaving behind just a note.

A note of apology and answers.

But if Ragini was distraughted, Laksh was no better.

On the other side, the night for him was the most difficult obstacle.

He was clueless of what had happened, his Ragini lied to him. Just lied. Hid her truth.

And he was a fucking idiot to have trusted her with everything.

But then, he had never actually been open to her. He never told her why he hated her in the start, he never did really disclose the fact of him hating the idea of mate. If Ragini had hidden her truth, he had hidden his too.

Solace in my Mate |RagLak|[REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now