Pokemon Kalos High Shattered Dreams The Party

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The days went by and everyone has prom arrangements. Ash was stressed about lots of homework as he slacked off during February vacation. He was able to do it all but is still upset about James and Serena dating. He walked over to a bar one Saturday afternoon. His mom was away on a business trip and won't be returning for several weeks. He drank booze and booze like it's no tomorrow.

Ash: I need another one!

Bartender: You got it, Boss! *gets another drink*

Ash: Yeah, that hit the spot! More!

The bartender gave Ash more drinks. Ash was on his 20th drink when a voice sounded out.

???: Hey, Ashy boy!

Ash: Oh, hey Gary.

Gary: What's up, man? You seem stressed.

Ash: Well, I'm still upset about Serena dating James.

Gary: Why?

Ash: Because I think James doesn't deserve her! He wants everything to go his way!!!!!!

Gary: Calm down, Ashy boy! You're getting worked up over nothing!

Astrid: Plus James is not that horrible, and you know it!

Ash: Oh, hey Astrid.

Astrid: Hey Ash. I just need to say that you shouldn't blame James for Serena breaking up with you! That was your own fault!

Ash: My fault?!???! How the hell was that my fault?!??!

Astrid: Because you made James' life a living hell!!!!!!!!!!!

Ash went silent. He knew that the breakup was entirely his fault. He was bullying and tormenting James, and Serena had enough of it.

Ash:*sigh* You're right, Astrid. I was a jerk to him. But Serena must see that I have changed by now!

Gary: I spoke to her yesterday and she doesn't believe you have.

Ash: Well, that's just great! What the hell am I supposed to do now?

Gary: Give her time. She'll come around.

Ash: Yeah I hope you're right. By the way, are you free next weekend?

Gary: Yeah, I'm having a party at my house next Friday. You in?

Ash: Totally! See you there!

Gary: See you there, Ashy Boy! *They fist bump*

Astrid: And Ash, don't be so hard on James. He's a sweetheart. Bye. *She kisses him on the cheek*

They both leave. Ash was left with a lot to think about.

Friday some came and everyone was excited for the weekend. We join the gang as Prof. Oak made his final announcement.

Prof. Oak: And those of you going to prom please sign up by next Friday. Have fun and do not drink and drive. We want you all in one piece. See you on Monday!

The Bell rings.

Everyone stampeded like a herd of Tauros. Gary and Astrid went home to his house to get ready for the party. By 4 o'clock everything was ready. Gary calls James.  

James: Hello?

Gary: Hey James, what's up?

James: Gary! How r u?

Gary: Awesome! I'm hosting a party tonight and I was wondering if you and Serena would like to go.

James: Actually we have Friday Night Club tonight. It's a dance party. And I already made arrangements for that.

Gary: OK then, see you Monday.

James See you Monday.  *Hangs up*

Serena: James, who was calling?

James: Gary. He invited you and I to a party at his place but I told him we have Friday Night Club.

Serena: Good! Now let's dance!

James: OK! *They danced to a song and walked to Luminous Community Center linking arms.*

Meanwhile at Gary's house.

Gary: OK, James and Serena are no goes so everyone else should arrive soon.  

Ash: Gary, what's up? 

Gary: Ashyboy! You made it!

Ash: Of course! I love parties! Helps me relax!

Gary: Well, you're in luck because this party is gonna chase the stress away!!!

Ash: Yeah! Party time!!!!!!!!!!

So the party began! Drew and Paul arrived and soon got into the action. There was booze and party games and all sorts of fun. Astrid and Gary danced while the other guys jumped in the pool and goofed off.  They drank and they drank all night long. 

Meanwhile James and Serena were at FNC dancing the night away. They had pizza and cake and they soon slow danced. 

Serena: Is it everything you wanted, my little Spelan berry?

James: Of course it is, Serena. Except where's Ash?

Serena: Jamesie, Ash wouldn't be cool with this. He's old school.

James: How do we know if he could just see me —

Serena: He would have clobbered you. He's not as enlightened as your sweet sister.

James: So you're really OK with dating your adopted brother?

Serena: Brother, sister, cousin. As long as we're together, I'm happy.

James: Thanks, Serena.  *They kiss on the lips.*

The next day was Saturday James met with May, Dawn and Lillie while Serena met with Clemont and Bonnie. 

But Ash and the other guys at the party were drunk and didn't know what happened to Astrid.

What happened to her? Next time the reveal!

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