Pokemon Kalos High Shattered Dreams The Crash

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It was a nice sunny Saturday. Gary had his party the night before. James, May, Dawn and Lillie were having lunch at the 99 restaurant.  Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and Max were going to have a dance party at Serena's house.  Grace was having lunch with Meyer at the restaurant next door.  Gary and the others were zonked out.

We join James as he, May, Lillie, and Dawn talked about the prom.

Dawn: I've decided to design my own dress. Its much cheaper than getting a dress at Jess' Dresses plus I wear a dress that's unique to me!

Lillie: That's wonderful!!!!!!! 

James: That's a very smart move on your part, Dawn! What do you think, May?

May: Huh? Oh yeah, great move Dawn. 

Dawn: Are you OK, May?

May: No. I got into an argument with Max. A real pathetic one in hindsight.

James: I think I know what the argument was about, despite not being there to see it. You're overtired.

May: How did you know?

James: You've been working your ass off last night. It's natural for you to get cranky.

May: I guess.

Lillie: Max has plenty of time in Serena's House to calm down.

May: You're right. I'll apologize to him when I go home. 

James: Good on you, May.

Lillie: Yeah, Good on you love. I mean May.

Meanwhile at Serena's house

Serena, Clemont, Max and Bonnie were dancing and having fun. Max was depressed and sat down after he slow danced with Bonnie.

Serena: What's wrong, Max?

Max: Nothing. *sniffs* 

Serena: Come on. You can tell me.

Max: It's May! She screamed and yelled at me over something that was an accident!! And she said she doesn't want to see me again!!!!!!!

Serena: Aw, come on. She does'nt mean that.

Max: Yes, she does!

Serena: No, it's not like that.

Max: How do you know?

Serena: Because it's not in her nature. She knows you are a sweet boy in nature and she would never want you gone. She is calming down and she will apologize when the time comes. Okay?

Max: Yeah.  *Starts to cry*

Serena: Come here. *Max runs to her and hugs her*

Max continued crying for a little while. He cried and cried while Serena soothed him.

Meanwhile at the 99 James May Lillie and Dawn were finished with their meals and decided to go to the Battle Chateau. James and Lillie took the front while May and Dawn took the back. They started driving towards Route 6.

Meanwhile at Gary's house

Ash had just woken up.

Ash: Oh man! What a night! I need some booze. *gets a drink* Much better. Now to check up on the guys.  

He leaves to check on the guys when he suddenly trips on something.

Ash: What the-? Astrid? Is that you?

Astrid says nothing

Ash: Man, the alcohol has knocked you out good, didn't it! That was one helluva party, don't you think?

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