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We sat down at a table all the house tables were gone there were round tables with 8 seats so i sat at a seat with neville, ginny, luna, lavender, ron, and harry they all asked me "who is that" at the same time as well as pointing at a yawning, tired esmerelda granger "this is my sister esmerelda, esme this is neville longbottom, harry potter, ronald weasly, luna lovegood, and lavender brown" i said introducing my friends to my little sister "mione why is she in a hogwarts uniform and why is she here she is a muggle" ron said with his face stuffed per usual "answer one peevs dumped water on me, her, and malfoy she was crying because she was mostlikely cold, wet, tired, and scared, so i ran her a bath and she had no clean clothes so i charmed one of my extra uniforms to fit her also she had blood on her clothes but no bodily injury so she must have seen someone get hurt or k i l l e d" i was about to answer rons second question when mcgonnagall started talking "i now must explain the new law to the 1st through 5th years as most of you know there was a war lots of very talented witches and wizards due to death eaters, lord voldemort, or as some of you call him you know who, but he is dead he can no longer harm anyone but our populating decreased incredibly the only way to save our world from faceing extinction is the marrige law all children of age that are not married must get paired via the sorting hat i will sort the boys then if your name is called you will come up get the key to your flat, and you get the resy of the day of to settle in first up is Harry Potter harry walked up shaking with nevosness for he was hoping he got ginny after a minute "ginerva weasly" cried the hat ginny ran up and kissed herry before they came back down "ronald weasly" ron walked up after a moment "lavender brown" ron looked horrified but lavender brown ran up and kissed ron before they walked down "draco malfoy" he sat down for a minute "hermione granger" "WHAT" we said at the same time i grabbed esme and walked up there "am i hearing correctly because im sure the sorting hat just said 'hermione granger'" i said "yes there is no way in hell i would date that mudblood" i slapped malfoy "you can say whatever you want about me but dont curse in front of my sister, do it again and i will hex your mouth shut" i exclaimed "how dare you slap me you filthy little mudblood" he yelled at me "you know what malfoy we should get you a dictonary to widen your vocabulary the insult 'mudblood' is getting kind. Of old when its carved into your skin" i forgot we were in the great hall in front of everybody no one but harry, ron, and malfoy knew what happened to me in malfoy manner not even esme knew "mrs granger what did you say" mcgonagall said to me i stammered "um well i um" "both of you in my office now" i grabbed esme and went with her snape continued with the sorting there was silence for a moment "mrs granger what do you mean 'when its carved into your skin' she said i was mad "with all due respect professor but really thats none of your buisness" i said she was about to talk "mione please what did you mean" esme said she was my sister she had i right to know " fine fine ok when me, harry, and ron were horcrux hunting some snatchers caught us and took us to malfoy manner harry and ron found godric griffindors sword and when we got there bellatrix lestrange saw it and she thought i stole it from her and well" i stopped and wiped my eyes it still is very tramitizing for me "she um used the crutatios curse on me and well carved mudblood in my arm" mcgonagall was shocked my sister was mad "what is the crutatios curse" she demanded and i snapped i was angry i had to talk about the most tramatic moments in my life "none of your business" she began to back away from my sudden out burst "im sorry esme im just upset right now i will tell you later" i hugged her "well mrs granger i can see why you dident want to share here is a key for the three of you to your flat" i took esme's key away "i dont think so you're way to young for a key" i said putting the key in my pocket "your flat is the building near the great lake" i nodded and said thank you on our way esme fell asleep i picked her up and carried her into the flat i laid her down on the couch and noticed there was a tv "yes" i mumbled i grabbed the remote and put on the news there was a picture of our mom and dad
Rick granger was convicted today for the rape, and murder of jade granger" it said something else but i dident hear it "WHAT" i screamed draco came out and eame woke up she stayed quite because she knows not to talk to me when im angry "THAT SICK MOTHERFUCKER HOW DARE HE THAT PRICK" I yelled at the tv "woah granger calm down" but that just fuled my fury i grabbed my wand and put it directly at his heart "dont you dare tell me to calm down you do not know what i just found out" i said in a quite and deadly voice "ok why dont you tell me" he said i disent want to but this might be my one and only chance to vent about this i put cartoons on and dragged malfoy in the other room " i just fund out that my peice of shit of a father raped and killed my mother thats why she had blood on her cloths she saw it happen"

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