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Esmerelda jane granger in her hogwarts uniform (imagine hermione with straight blond hair and 5 years old)

I woke up at 5:00 and was ready by 5:30 i kew this was going to be a long morning i shook my sister "esme eame get up" she woke up "what im tired" she said with a yawn "get dressed in your hogwarts uniform then i will do your hair ok" i said "whatever" she mumbled grabing her uniform and wandering into the bathroom 5 minutes later malfoy came out "granger get your damn sister out of the bathroom before i kick the door down" he claimed i laughed "this coming from the guy who had to have a five year old muggle open his bottled water" i said walking to get esme out i knocked "esme you've been in their a while are you ok" i asked "no answer i got worried malfoy had his wand and was be hind me i snatched his wand and pointed it at the door "aloahomora" i said the door opened i saw my sister sleeping while sitting on the toilet "esmerelda jane granger get up" i laughed as i went to tie her shoe and dragged her out "bathrooms all yours malfoy" i said still laughing and threw his wand at him i do my sisteres hair in twin french braids and grabbed my bag filled with necessary books along with hogwarts: a history, my wand, extra quills, ink, and a few pens just incase i run out of ink, then i start packing a extra bag i brought and charmed to be smaller so esme can carry it i packed, 3 coloring books, a muggle fairytale book along with tales of the beetle and the bard, colored pencils, and crayons by then it was 20 minuets to breakfast "come on esme" i said giving her her bag and grabing a little bag of candy along with some muggle books for moaning myrtle every year sice the chamber of secrets i brought her a little gift for being so helpful to harry and ron we went to moaning myrtles bathroom on our way to the great hall "myrtle are you there" i asked quietly she came flying over when esme whimpered and hid behind me "hello hermione how was your holiday" myrtle asked "it was fine myrtle how was yours" i said handing her the bag "fine thank you ohh who is this shes awfully small to be here isnt she" myrtle asked when esme whimpered "esme its ok she wont hurt you" she stayed behind me whimpering "this is my sister esmerelda, esmerelda this is myrtle" i said trying to get esme out from behind me with no sucess "she is a little shy she is not used to all of this" i said "esmerelda you are being rude go say hello" i told her she went up and said "hello myrtle" in a quiet voice "hello little one" myrtle said kindly "we have to go to breakfast myrtle we will visit soon" i said "goodbye hermione and esmerelda" she said as i waved "esme that was very rude she wasent going to hurt you i know you are a little scared of ghosts after your little introduction with peeves but as long as you dont get on his bad side he wont be to mean" i said as we got to the great hall she nodded and i went to sit with my friends ginny ran up and brought me in a bone crushing hug "where were you we thought malfoy did something to you" ginny stated as she let me go "you mean other than being stupid and raving on about how bad his luck was being put with a mudblood i would say he was fine" i said "oh mione baby your life sucks" ginny said hugging me again "not compleatly i was lucky enough to have a sister like this" i said poking esme as she laughed i sat her down and served her eggs, bacon, and some fruit "mione i dont want fruit" esme whined "stop whining and eat it its good for you its midnight melon (made up) and it tast like pinapple and black berries in one eat it and i might let you have some butterbeer" i said she hesitated but eventually tried the fruit and ate all of it and even asked for more and as promised i let her have 1/4 of my butter beer she had the rest of her breakfast then i looked at my schedule "doble potions no" i muttered "mione whats your schedule like" ginny asked "i have double potions then charms then a free peirod before and after lunch the i have defence against the dark arts then the marrige class then transfiguration then astronomy all with malfoy i honestly would rathe get ran over by a hippogriff" i clamied "as i preiviosly stated mione your life sucks" ginny stated "gee gin thanks for reminding me" i look at my watch 30 minuets to class
By guys im gunna start walking to class come on esme" i said grabbing our stuff "by mione" everyone said then i took esme to the liabrary "madam pince" i whispered "yes dearie" she said im going to leave my sister here while im in my classes can you make sure she dosent leave" i ask with my fingers crossed "of course in fact she can help me with these papers" i push esme toward her "thank you so much madam pince i will grab her during my free peirod" i say "of course dearie" "be good esme" i say as i leave the liabrary already worring about her

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