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Dracos pov

"Mr.malfoy did mrs granger leave the flat last night"
Madam pomfrey asked "i think she did when i came out to the living room to wake her up there was a note to her sister it said she went on a walk so that she wouldent worry" i said she looked at me thinking "ok mr.malfoy i have reson to belive mrs.granger was raped and since she is not telling anyone she must have been threatened" madam pomfrey said i was shocked "no not her she is very strong she wouldent let that happen to herself" i said and its true she would never let that happen "even the strongest of people can fall mr.malfoy please go to the great hall and get proffessor mcgonnagall tell her its urgent" madam pomfrey asked i nodded and ran to the great hall

Hermione's pov

"Esme baby come here" i said and just hugged her and cried "mione whats wrong what happened" esme asked "when your older sweetie, if you dont mind can you tell me why you had blood on your shirt when you first got here" i asked while petting her head she started crying "was dad drunk again" i asked she nodded and cried into me "he didn't like moms cooking and she was tired and told him if he did not like her cooking then to cook it himself and he got mad and" she never finished and just started crying so i sang to her

Hang in there baby
Things are crazy
But i know
Your future's bright
Hang in there baby
No mabey
Everything turns out
Sure life is up and down
But trust me it comes back around
Your gunna love who you turn out to be
Hang in there baby

She did not stop crying but relaxed a little "he told me if i told anyone h h he would find me and" she started but i cut her off "shhh esme baby i want you to know that no matter what i will always protect you i am your big sister and as your big sister its my job to keep you safe" i started crying "to protect from the world this world is so scary esme and not just in the muggle world here to i still get nightmares from the war but just know that no matter what happens as long as im still breathing i will protect you understand" i said she nodded and then we just cried with eachother then i heard the door open quicklyand suddenly i guess out of reflex esme curled up in a little ball and covered her hand with her arms still crying "baby its ok" i told her i wiped her eyes "mrs granger you need to tell us how you got these injuries or we will have to send you to st.mundos for further questioning" proffessor mcgonnagall stated seriosly and i panicked his words rang through my head tell anyone and i will get your sister "i woke up and was thirsty so i went and got a glass of water and i fell on my way back to bed" i lied but proffessor mcgonagall did not look convinced "mrs granger tell the truth you are a horrible liar this is your last chance to tell the truth" she said as she glared at me which just put more pressure on me but i said nothing we stayed like that for a couple minuets before she pursed her lips "mrs granger i am sending you to st.mundos" she said but then i looked at esme and felt a wave of guilt esme did not deserve to be left alone because of my stubbornness "okay okay fine okay" i said "i will tell you what happened but i dont want esme in here or by herself" i said "ok i think mr weasly has a free period right now i will get him" she said and my world stopped "no" i quickly said "please no" i said wide eyed "let me take her back to the flat and i promise i will be right back" i begged "very well mrs granger" i beamed "thank you come on esme" i said walking out 15 minuets later we were in our flat "now esme you know how to use the tv right" i asked she nodded still teary eyed "ok esme baby im going to leave you here ok i will be back in a bit do not open the door for anyone ok if you are hungry there is soup in the microwave ok" i said she started crying "no no no dont leave me here please" she cried and i got an idea "ok esme i will stay want some juice" she nodded so i got some juice with enough dreamless sleep to knock her out for an hour she drank it and fell asleep i covered her up and left after locking the door and windows along with a charm jist in case and ran to the hospital wing and tried to catch my breath "sorry i was so long" i gasped for air
"It is fine mrs granger but now you need to tell the truth what happened to you"
I sighed "last night ron came to my flat and asked me to take a walk with him and then he" i started crying "he raped me and gave me these injuries" i was wiping my eyes "mrs granger this is not your fault but why did you not want to tell" proffessor mcgonagal asked rubbing my back "h he said if i did he would hurt my sister i i had to i had to protect her" i started crying to myself again "i i told him to stop multipul times that is not the ron i met 8 years ago that is not my best friend" i kept crying unable to stop "mrs granger it is ok nothing that happened was your fault take the day off i will inform your teachers just try and spend time with your sister and loved ones i will have mr.malfoy stay too ok" all i did was nod i was crying to hard to say anything i could barely breath proffessor mcgonnagall went and got malfoy "mr.malfoy you have the day off please walk mrs.granger back to your flat and keep her there until a proffessor comes and gets her to bring her to st.mungos" proffessor mcgonnagall said to malfoy i was still crying. And started walking "so granger what happened" he asked halfway there i said nothing so i could make it clear that i hate him i mean that i have my own personal space i unlocked the door and decided to check on esme she just woke up "esme would you like some hot chocolate" i asked trying to smile "yes please" she cried happily "ok i will make it" i said. I made two hot chocolates and put a spell on both mugs so the wouldent spill and walked out with esme and sat down "esme are you ok im sure your tramatized from dad but you have been very quiet" i said to her no answer i heard a knock at the door "who is it" i asked "open up mione now" came from the door i was sceaming in side "um just a minuet" i said and dragged esme over to dracos room and hid her in a closet "her granger what are you doing" he said "shh ron is here keep her in there and safe please" i said locking the closet and putting a silencing charm on it and rushing out "hello mione where is your sister" he asked

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