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We got to madam pomfrey "oh dear merlin what happened" madam pomfrey asked rushing her to a bed "we were walking by the great lake, she saw a butterfly or sonetging and followed into the forbidden forest and i saw a wolf nearly eat her so i used the full body bind curse she was shaking and crying and wouldent respond to me so i brought her here" i explained frantically "good thing you did dear was she bit?" the nurse asked "i dont think so that was the first thing i asked her she dident move" i claimed "well i dont see any bites would you be ok if i strip her down to make sure?" she asked "sure whatever just please make sure she is ok" i said with tears rolling down my cheeks, madam Pomfrey took esme in a bathroom for 5 minuets before she came out with my sister still as stiff as a board not talking "she has no bites, she is in shock and your classes start soon so i will heal her cuts while you are in class ok" she explained i wiped my tears and relaxed, Esme is ok! I nodded and kissed my sister fourhead and left for class defence agains the dark arts do we need that i mean we just fought in a war and survived i sighed and headed to class "hello class i am proffeser twyla and today we will be faceing a boggart can anyone tell me the spell for a boggart" everyone put their hand up and i mean everyone thank you proffeser lupin "yes you what is your name" the proffeser said pointing at draco malfoy "draco malfoy proffesor" he drawled "its Ridiculas" he said "correct ten points to..." she said "slytherin proffeser" he said bored "ten points to slytherin" she said "everyone line up single file" we did as told i saw a lot of scary things but the thing i feared most, i forgot about a long time ago (btw I ROPEING THE HUNGER GAMES CAUSE I CAN SO IF YOU DONT LIKE IT TOUGH SHIT THATS LIFE DEAL WITH IT)
I was 8 years old Effie trinkit with her pink wig and drunk haymitch trying to hug her everyone was confused i was to much in shock to move "it is now time to pick one brave young man and woman to particapate in the 74th anual hunger games as always ladies first" she walked over and picked out a peice of paper wand read the paper clearly "primrose everdeen" prim walked slowly i started crying in real life but finaly "prim" i cried the peicekeepers were trying to hold me back "NO I VOLENTEER I VOLENTEER" i screamed in the flashback the peice keepers let go in shock "i volenteer as tribute" i said as i ran up to prim "prim go find your mom" i said "no" she cried "prim go find your mom im so sorry" i said trying to to cry she kept crying no eventually her sister had to pick her up and bring her back she kept screaming no but i kept walking "looks like we have our first volenteer come on up" she said as i walked up "whats your name" she asked handing me the microphone "hermione granger" i mumbled "oh who was little primrose to you" she asked "she is my best friend" i again mumbled i finaly was able to say the spell "ridikulas" i said still silently crying to myself "good job ms granger you may sit down" the proffeser said i did but before i did i did the sign of unity i pressed 3 of my fingers to my mouth and held them up before i sat down it was silent "ms granger if you dont mind telling what happened in that flashback it took me a second to answer "the reaping for the hunger games" i said before grabbing my things and rushing out as the bell rang i ran to the marrige class sat in the back corner and waited finally everyone came in the paper on the desk started wrighting on itself.
Ask eachother 1 question and then you may leave when you are done

"Well you go first granger" malfoy said "whats your favorite color" i mumbled "green" he said "my turn what are the hunger games" he asked i was silent for a moment and i mumbled it so quietly you would think i said nothing at all "little louder granger i cant hear you" so i told him "the capital takes 1 girl and 1 boy from the ages of 5 to 18. From all 12 districts and the put them into an areana to fight to the death" i said then left

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