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"Hello class today we will be brewing polyjuice potion can anyone tell me what that it" professer snape said as always my hand shot up "why am i not suprised yes mrs granger" proffeser snape said "a poly juice potion allows the drinker to chance into someone else depending on the DNA sample if brewed correctly you can be that person for an entire 60 minutes" i said everyone looked at me ron raised his hand "yes mr Weasley" professor snape said "whats DNA" i raised my hand "mrs granger" snape said "DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid" i said everyone stared including snape "mrs granger please dumb it down for the rest of the class" he said "deoxyribonucleic acid is a self replicating material which is in all living organisms for example a peice of hair, a peice of skin, or saliva" i said "correct mrs granger 10 points for the correct answer 10 points for the 4qadefinition of DNA" professor snape said. I smiled brightly and we continued and started to make the potion with our partner for the law why does my life suck but we got done and could leave a half hour early so i went to check on esme i walked in and was loving what i was seeing esme was reading a book and madam pince was doing paper work esme saw me "mione" she cried and ran up to give me a hug "i missed you to esme but i have to leave in a half hour for charms class but after that i have a free period before and after lunch so i will spend time with you then ok i promise" i said hugging her back and gave her a kiss on her forhead and thanked madam pince for looking after her and brought her over to the couches in the liabrary and we began to read when "mione can i learn magic like you" esme asked i turned around to face her "esme i want you to be able to do magic i wish you had this gift but you dont have magic you cant do magic you are what most witches and wizards call a muggle it is a person who cant do magic but if you want i can get you textbooks for you to read but you can not perform the magic" i told her "i know but i still would like to know what magic you can do and i cand help you if you need it" she said "ok i will start you off with a history of magic charms grade 1 and potions grade 1 once you finish those we can start on transfiguration grade 1 oh and you can borrow my copy of hogwarts a history" i rambled looking for the books we were starting with "i would like to check thease out please" i said putting to books on madam pince's dest she checked them out and i gave esme the books "now i suggest to read history of magic before you read charms grade 1 and then you can start on potions" i told her handing her the books "ok i have to go to charms be good see you in a hour bye" i said going to class and was partners with malfoy again we were practicing the accio spell i mastered this in 4th year so me and malfoy got top marks i had a free perid so i grabbed esme and went to the flat "esme what do you want for lunch" i asked "tacos please" esme claimed sitting at the counter tree "ok i will make tacos watch cartoons i will call you when they are done" i said i started cooking 5 minuets later i heard a scream i grabbed my wand and ran out to see peeves bringing in a large spider esme was crying and i freaked out "stupify" i cried it went right through peeves right he is a ghost "Peeves take that spider and get out please" i asked calmly "no i think i would rather stay here and listen to muggle screams" he said "GOD DAMMIT PEEVES GET OUT OR I WILL GET BLOODY BARON" i roared esme cried more and peeves left with his spider i knelt down "shh esme baby calm down ok come with me and you can watch me cook" i said she nodded and sat down still sniffleing so i sang a song she always loved

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree?
Thay strung up a man
They said who murdered three
Strange things would happen
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where dead man called out
for his love to flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Are you are you
Coming to the tree
Where i told you to run
So we'd both be free
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Are you are you
Coming to the tree
Wear a neaklace of hope
Side by side with me
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Are you are you
Coming to the tree
Where i told you to run
So we'd both be free
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Are you are you
Coming to the tree
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree
Credit for song goes to jenefer lawrence & The Hunger Games(watch it it a really good movie)

Esme started smileing again i was happy and servered her a taco and was about to eat my self when i felt a presence and after the war i learned to trust my instincts i grabbed my wand and whipped around so fast it was a blur "petrificas totalus" i said annd the person dropped to the ground "esme stay here" i said walking to the intruder and groaned and muttered the countercurse and released him
"Thanks granger but nextime dont curse me in the first place" malfoy said "well mabey you shouldent had snuck up on me and i wouldent have done it" i retorted "and you know what i dont want this just as much as you do so mabey if you could stop being such an insufferable prick to me when i did not do anything to you we could have avoided this situation" i basically screamed at him "nothing, you just cursed me" he said equally as loud and i lost it "thats not what im talking about malfoy and you know it im talking about our first year here you called me mudblood i knew i was muggle born it dident bother me at first but when someone constantly reminds you of something you already know and use such a foul mean word it breaks you down i know my blood is not 'pure' i know you think i dont deserve my magic but just because of this fact dosent mean you have to make my life a living hell and my friends life a living hell and if so much as look at my sister the wrong way i will personally make sure you are a ferret for the rest of you miserable life" i said storming off and grabbing my food "esme baby do you wanna go for a walk" i asked calmly "yes please" she said "ok get you shoes on" i said she nodded and ran off to put her shoes on so i put mine on as well and we were outside next to the forest and she saw a butterfly and followed into the forest "ESME NO" i screamed and ran after her wand on hand and she was face to face wit a wolf "petrificas totalus" i screamed and hit the wolf esme was crying most likely in shock "shh shh esme, esme baby its ok did the wolf bite you" i said quietly she dident say anything or move she was shaking and crying and had some scratches on her arm so i accio ed some bandages and picked her up to go to madam pomfrey

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