Chapter 22

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  You reappeared in the living room of the tower a moment later. Loki set you gently on your feet when you had arrived. You wrapped your arms around him and wouldn't let him go, even as his magic flowed over him so he was back in normal comfortable clothes instead of his battle armor. "This is real?" you whispered in his ear, voicing your fear.

"Very real, darling," he replied softly, concern in his voice.

"They're dead?" you asked. You had such a hard time keeping track of what was real and what were visions.

He thought about that for an instant. "Not yet, but shortly, except for the one in charge. We do have to question him, but he will die shortly after that. They will never harm you again, my love," Loki reassured you, his voice possessive and dangerously angry. You nodded and laid your head against his chest. "Come on, darling. Eat something and then you can get some rest," he told you softly and began herding you to the kitchen. You let him herd you and kept your arms around him the entire time. You had been strong for months and months. You could let him take care of you tonight. Besides, if you were touching him, this had to be real and not a vision, right?

There were containers of Chinese in the kitchen. Apparently the team had decided to order so there would be food when they got back from DC. Loki grabbed yours from the pile and handed it to you as well as a fork. He got his too and you walked with him back to the living room to your favorite couch. It was a slice of normal and it was absolutely perfect and exactly what you needed.

Loki vanished the containers and dishes when you had finished eating. You curled yourself in his arms, exhausted to your bones. "Still real?" you whispered before you would dare sleep.

"Very real, darling," he replied and kissed the top of your head. "Darling," he hesitated. "Why do you keep asking?" he asked softly, hesitantly. He needed to know, but didn't want to hear or accept the truth.

"Cast enough illusions and you risk forgetting what is real," your voice would have been a whisper even if you hadn't had to keep it that way so Loki wouldn't be rendered unconscious. Loki just looked at you shocked and...horrified? by your words.

"Mother gave me that warning a long, long time ago," Loki's voice was soft as he remembered. You nodded; you knew that already. "You saw-?" he trailed off. You nodded again. "I thought you only saw the future..."

[Not anymore] you switched to sign, too tired to watch your tone and volume. You sat up and stripped off the blanket you'd been wearing as a shawl and Loki's hoodie, letting him see the full damage. Your arms were scars over scars, many still open or barely healed. The visions you had seen were lines and lines across your skin.

"Gods, love. What in the name of Hel did they do to you?" he demanded, but he knew. He knew exactly what they'd done. You curled yourself back in his arms when you knew he understood. He wrapped the blanket back over you. "Rest, love. You're safe now," he bid you softly. "I'll be here to keep you safe. My word was broken once, and I can't express how awful I feel for that, but I will not allow it to be broken again." You fell asleep to him petting your hair, breathing in his scent, and finally, finally feeling safe again.

You jolted awake when the rest of the team returned. Loki held you more firmly when you did. "Easy, love, it's just the team," he said softly, petting your hair until you calmed again. You saw how much they all wanted to run over to check and make sure you were ok. You weren't ok, but you eased yourself out of Loki's arms. They were family too.

You also saw the hard edge to their expressions. They were angry at what Loki had done. They wouldn't say it in front of you though. You got off of the couch with effort and made your way shyly, timidly over to them. They asked a billion questions, mostly along the lines of "are you ok?" You answered them as best as they could and tried to reassure them and yourself that you were ok. You were really just exhausted and wanted to sleep for a week. Or more. You found yourself herded to the medical room so the scary doctor could tell the others that you'd heal. Loki held your hand the entire time and you saw the nail marks in his hand from how tightly you were holding it.

You asked them all at least ten more times each that night if this was real. They were all concerned over that, but none were brave enough to ask. Not tonight. Not when they'd finally gotten you back.

"Darling, the others would like to discuss tonight's events with me after you have retired for the evening. Allow me to escort you to bed so they can get on with it?" he asked. You nodded, hugged everyone else again, and let Loki walk you up to your own room. He checked the room for intruders before he'd let you enter. "I have placed shields around the room darling. No one can get in unless you invite them." Then why'd he have to check for intruders? "You're safe here, I swear it. I'll be back as soon as my conversation with the others is over." You tried to protest that you didn't need him to stay with you while you slept, but your protests were useless. He had been so scared of losing you. He was going to be overprotective and smothering. He was only willing to leave you alone because he had shielded your room himself and he trusted his magic, or the clone that would guard you while he wasn't here. You would let him be overprotective, at least for a little while.

He kissed your forehead before he'd leave you alone. You kissed him before you'd let him leave.

[Still real?]

"Very real, darling," he replied with a soft smile, patient with you as always. "Try to get some sleep. I'll be back soon." You nodded and closed the door behind him after he'd left. You found the most comfortable pair of pajamas you could and climbed into bed with Lokibear. You were asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow, warm and oh so very safe.

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