Chapter 37

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You pulled Loki into his suite and he kicked the door shut behind you, to the cheers of Thor and his friends. Loki broke the kiss as soon as you were inside. "Thank you for appeasing Thor and his idiot friends, but we really do not need to do this. I am not expecting-"

It took you singing for him before he'd believe that you were willing. "Darling~" his voice was strained at your siren song and you smirked at him. "Unless you would like for this to end with just your wonderful singing, you should probably stop singing now," his voice was husky. Needless to say, he was very much in the mood and knew you were willing.

His mouth stayed on yours the entire time, which was impressive in and of itself. He swallowed your moans of pleasure and yells of ecstasy. He didn't want to be rendered unconscious tonight and was protecting you both in the least offensive manner possible.


You startled awake from your tangle of naked bodies at the sound of an intruder in Loki's suite. You sprang to a sitting position, holding the sheet to your chest with one hand, a dagger in the other courtesy of Loki hiding them literally everywhere in his suite. Your mouth opened as you drew in air to scream. Two years of torture had made you jumpy.

Loki's cold hand clapped over your mouth, gentle, but insistent that you not scream. "Easy darling," he told you with a chuckle. He was sitting up now too, his arm wrapped around you, while his hand was over your mouth, the blanket pooling in his lap. "It's just the maids," he explained softly. You nodded and he removed his hand from your mouth. "Sorry," he told you, then gave you a kiss to reinforce that he really was sorry. He hated restraining you, but couldn't let you kill the maids either.

The maids did their jobs, drawing water for a bath, setting out clothes for you, straightening Loki's room. They also told him that Frigga wished to have breakfast with the two of you in her chambers. He inclined his head and dismissed them while you tried in vain to hide. There was nowhere to hide from the maids. Loki chuckled at you and kissed your head. "You'll get used to being royalty eventually," he told you kindly.

You bathed and dressed quickly and Loki led you to Frigga's chambers. You kept your hand firmly on his arm, nervous in the palace. You just wanted to go home. Loki knocked politely and Frigga answered a moment later. "Good morning, darling!" she greeted him brightly. He bent to kiss her cheek.

"Good morning, Mother," he replied warmly. You stepped back from their adorableness, feeling even more out of place. You realized as Loki stepped automatically into Frigga's suite, following her when she had entered, that this was his home. Could you really drag him away from his home?

You followed before you lost the courage to intrude on their relationship. Loki's arm was around you before you could feel too lonely and he pulled a chair out at the little table in Frigga's sitting room. They chatted through breakfast, catching up on events since Loki went to Midgard. Loki tried to include you, but it was hard when Frigga didn't sign.

You finally got to escape that torment only to get dragged away by Thor and his friends. Lady Sif and the Warriors Three wanted to meet the woman who had 'tamed' Loki. So you smiled and were polite and signed with Thor and Loki and they dutifully translated. The warriors told tales of Thor and Loki's childhood and tried to make you feel included. They seemed shocked at Loki's change in behavior around you. He was openly affectionate, much less shy than the reserved bookworm they were used to. He was still a bookworm of course, but they weren't used to the open emotions from him. You kissed his cheek and he gave you a warm smile.

You were much happier when Loki escaped with you and gave you a proper tour of the palace and gardens. It was much more sedate and you found a couple of quiet alcoves for kisses. You spent a very pleasant afternoon with him in the library, curled up with him and enjoying the quiet and peace.

You had a couple of weeks of peace, more tours, which Loki whispered were really designed to give you touchstones of Asgard, to help you both make escape plans. You acted the innocent besotted newlyweds. You really were besotted newlyweds, but you were hardly innocent. You were plotting and planning and Loki was showing you as much as he could, giving you as much help while you worked together to figure out how to escape.

You trusted him with the first task of the escape plan. You needed your backpack of supplies back.

His chance to steal it came when Odin called you for a prophecy. You had dreaded this moment, but knew it was coming. You made the cut yourself and spoke the answer to whatever it was that Odin asked. You didn't care what he wanted to know, unless it was about you or Loki, but it wasn't, so you tuned him out. You tried to find out how to get out of here.

All the visions told you was that Plan Z was the only way to stay safe when you had escaped. That wasn't helpful. You knew that already.

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