Louis is the captain of the football team and he's currently dating the captain of the cheerleading team, Harry Styles. The two of them have been together for a year now and the two of them are still in love. They are the most popular kids in school...
Niall was getting everything for their pool party and Harry was helping him out.
"How are you and Lou?" Niall asked at he was setting up the food dishes.
"We're fine. He's giving me the space that I need, so that I could focus on what I need for myself to be happy. How about you and Liam?"
Niall sighed and finished up of the food and snack and now was preparing the drinks. "We're getting closer and we are getting to the point where we used to be."
"Do you think the boys will move on during break?" Harry looked down at the thought of his Lou, dating somebody else who isn't him. He shakes his head at the thought of it.
"Oh, that's not going to happen, I can promise you that. However, if it does then they can't have sex." Niall joked and Hardy chuckled and asked, "And why's that?" "Because their dicks are going to be broken before they even kiss them."
"Well geez, and I thought that I was the brutal one..." Niall and Harry flinched to the sound of Louis's voice. Niall spilled some of the drink that was in his hand, and Harry almost fell off of a ladder. Louis ran to him and caught him in his arms to catch him in his fall.
Harry rolled his eyes and slapped Louis's chest as he was placed back on his feet carefully. "Don't scare us like that!" Harry hissed before looking a the decorations that he put up and smiled in success. He turned to look at Louis and sighed before fixing his hair and outfit.
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"What would you ever do without me?" "I would definitely look hideous without your help." Harry giggled and Louis probably just died on the inside. "Nice outfit by the way. Do you have your swimsuit under that?" Harry nodded and twirled around in his outfit.
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