Two ~ Jonathan

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i'm so excited to start this. i hope you enjoy this.

Jonathan's POV

I place her into the passenger side seat and she curls into herself.

I walk over to the drivers side and climb into my car.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"I can't trust you..." she says before she starts bawling and hyperventilating.

"Hey, hey, calm down, it's going to be okay," I say as calmly as possible, rubbing her back lightly, "your going to be okay."

She looks up at me and looks me in the eye, "you don't know that. You don't know me. You don't know what happened."

"What happened?" I ask her, giving her a confused look.

"I can't trust you," is all she says before turning away and looking out the window.

"What does that have to do with anything? I just wanna know if your okay and your name. And possibly why the hell you got your panties in a twist over being called 'Princess'," I say, sounding more angry than I am.

"You really wanna fucking know why the hell I got so upset?" I nod furiously, "well, I'm not going to tell you, because it's not your fucking business."

"Wow, way to lead someone on. You know, if your not going to at least tell me your name then you can get the fuck out of my car or you can tell me your name and let me drive you home."

"Fine, it's Sofia," is all she says before turning to look at me again, "but why the fuck do you even care what my name is and what happened?"

"Because..." I try to look for the right words to explain what had happened, "it's hard to explain," I give her an apologetic look.

"Just take me home, please," she says, turning away again.

"Okay," I start the car and look over at her one last time, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fi-" I cut her off.

"And don't lie," I say.

"I can't trust you. You won't understand. Just fucking take me home."

"Fine. Where do you live?" I ask her.

She puts her address into the cars built in GPS system and leans her head on the window.

"I'm sorry, by the way," I say, trying to start another conversation.

"Okay," she says coldly, as though she wants nothing to do with me.

Well, she probably doesn't.

I continue driving until she says, "pull over here."
"Why? It says your house is over a mile away."

"Just pull over," she says, quite demandingly.

"Fine," I do as she says and I pull over, "why did you want me to pull over?"

She goes to open the door to get out and I grab her wrist, lightly, to get her attention, "hey."

My fingers tingle from the physical contact.

"Wh-What do you want from me?" She asks, her voice breaking, tears silently falling from her eyes.

"To know if your okay," I say, brushing away her tears, "are you?"

"I'm fine," she reaches for the door again, "I'm going to walk the rest of the way home. Thanks for the ride."

"Wait- why can't I drive you the rest of the way?"

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