Six ~ Jonathan

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Jonathan's POV

First day starting at my new school; Hazel High.

The twins and I are all sitting in my car, observing all the teenagers bustling around the parking lot and into the school.

A familiar blonde haired girl catches my attention.

It can't be-


"Ooh, who're you staring at?" Isabella teases, laughing along with her sister.

"No one. Why would I-"

"Holy shit, is that Monica?" Emma says, cutting me off.

I groan, "I think so."

"Of course it's her. See how she's hanging on that guy, and they're sucking faces?" Emma says; she's always been so filterless.

I roll my eyes, "get out of the car and get to class."

"We have to go to the office to get our schedules," she snaps.

"Right. I forgot," I say, opening the door and slamming it shut.

We walk into the school and every set of eyes is watching us.

Including Monica's.


"Jonathan?" Monica says.

"Hey, Monica," I say, trying my hardest not to sound annoyed.

"What-...what are you doing here?"

"I moved here."

She just stands there looking at me.

What the hell does she want?

"Do you need something...? Or can I go to class?" I ask, not caring how I sound anymore.

"I missed you," she says quietly, looking down at her feet, "I thought I'd never see you again."

"I don't want to have this conversation right now, Monica."

She looks up at me with a hint of sadness in her eyes, "can we talk later, then?"

"Monica, after everything you've done, no. We can not talk later," I say coldly, noticing something behind her, Sofia.

I push past Monica and start walking to my first class; Trigonometry, room 243, Mrs. Kate.



About twenty minutes into class, a small female rushes into the class room with a huge bruise on her cheek.

Wait...that's Sofia.

What the hell happened?

Her eyes meet mine, panic washing over her face.

She walks towards the back of the class, where I am.

"Your in my seat," she whispers.

"Is your name on it?" I question.

"No bu-"

"There's a desk right there," I point to the desk to the left of mine, "I'm not moving."

"Fine," she says, walking over to the desk.

"Are you a senior?" She shakes her head, "junior?"

"Yea, only junior in a senior class," she gives a proud smile and sticks her tongue out, "I'm smart."

"Never said you weren't," I nervously scratch the back of my neck, "how'd you get that bruise?"

Her body stiffens, "I uhm...I hit my head."


"My locker," she says, looking down at her desk, "how do you know Monica?"

"Huh? Oh, we went out during my junior year," I say, angry that she asked me.

"A junior with a sophomore?" She gives me a surprised look, "wow, she really is a slut."

"She's a what?" I snap.

"N-nothing," she turns away from me, "we should pay attention now.


The school day went by slowly, but finally it was lunch time.

"Yo, dude. Is that really you?" My best friend, Adam, says, running up to me and patting me on the back.

"Guilty," I grin, "it's been awhile, how's life been, man?"

"Good, I missed you, though," he says.

"Missed you too, bro," I laugh at my best friend.

Adam and I have been friends since we were in diapers. No girl, argument, or bullshit like that has been able to tear our friendship apart, and I'm so grateful for that.

In second grade, we were hanging out and my mom had come outside to tell us it was dinner time and we were covered in mud.

When Monica and I were sill together, Adam decided to play a prank on her. Unfortunately... it didn't end so well for him. Adam's girlfriend, Samantha, was friends with Monica, and since Adam tells her everything, she went and told Monica what was going to happen. After he had gotten it all set up; it being a bucket full of slime being poured over her head and onto her designer clothes. He set it up in the side entrance of our school, the door she always went through. Except when she got to the school, she parked on the opposite side and he ended up getting-

"Hello? Jonathan? Who's that girl you've been staring at for the past five minutes?" He waves his hand in my face, trying to get my attention.


"Who's the girl your staring at?"

I look over and Sofia, realizing that she's the girl he's talking about.

"No-no one," I stutter, "she's just a girl in one of my classes."

"Uh-huh. Is that why you've been staring at her? Or is that just your excuse?" He smirks.

"Oh, fuck off," I roll my eyes, "you can't say shit cause your always staring at Samantha."

"Yea, because she's my girlfriend," right as he finishes saying this, Samantha walks up to us.

"Hey, baby," she says, grabbing onto his hand, "oh hey, Jonathan. How've you been?"

"Okay, I guess. And you?"

"Pretty good. I'm sorry to hear about your sister, though. She was a beautiful, bright girl."

I tense up, "yea, she really was."

"Anyway, I'm starving. Let's go get food," she says, pulling on his hand towards the line.

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