Good News

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Hi I'm back with another one of these I promise this time I won't back out of this one though!

Mira's POV

The guild was as rowdy as ever, but that's the way I like it. I poured a man sitting at the bar another drink when a chirpy blonde mage sat down at the bar. "Mira can I have the usual?" She asked. "Of corse!" I replied with my bright smile as I started to make Lucy's favorite drink, a strawberry milkshake with vanilla cream on top. I placed it down in front of her and she took a sip. "Man summer has barley began and it's already over 80° out!" She sighed. That reminded about a certain project the master had mentioned, he said that he might plan a little vacation after he heard that the summer days might get to the hundreds. I wonder if he went through with that plan, if he did than that's perfect for my ships! I over heard some other conversations as I refilled cups, they mostly were complaints about the weather. I guess no one is happy about the heat. I went back over to chat with Lucy again, this time Levy was with her too. Cana also seemed to be taking with them as well. Again they were complaining about the heat. "You know I overheard the master thinking about taking the guild on a summer vacation." I said trying to brighten there moods, and it worked. They grinned ear to ear hearing this. "Really?" Levy asked. "Well I heard it I don't know if it's actually happening." I replied but they didn't care, a maybe was good enough for them. They were doing a happy jig when "LISTEN UP BRATS!" Master shouted out to the sea of people. "In two days we'll be going to a five star resort for three months for the summer. Pack swimsuits, comfy clothes for the heat, and anything else you find necessary! We will not be the only guild there so expect to see something familiar faces we will leave at 6am on the second day so be here or left behind!" He explained to the guild and they all cheered and celebrated. "Wait did he say other guilds?" Levy asked. "Yep!" I said. This is perfect! I've been wanting to check on my ships from Sabertooth for a while. Me and Minerva joined forcers a little while back to make sure that StingYu and Rogura were going good. "That's means Yukino will be there!" Lucy said happily. "And I can finally take back my spot as top drinker against Brachus!" Cana cheered and took a sip of beer. I laughed while Lucy and Levy just sighed. A red head walked over "I'm guessing you girls are excited?" She joked. "Of corse aren't you? I mean you be able to see Kagura!" Lucy exclaimed. "Your right!" Erza chirped. "I think I'm going to go start packing, I might be back." She added walking towards the guild doors. We waved bye and after she left I got back to serving my guild mates.

Erza's POV

I walked out of the guild hall still excited for the trip. "I wonder if Jellal is coming..." I said under my breath. I got to the dorms and walked in and to my room. I headed into my bedroom and got out some suitcases. I started throwing clothes into one and when it was just about at the top I started putting in smaller stuff like toothbrush, hair brushes, etc. I looked over at a dresser in my room. On top of it had a journal, I walked over and opened it up. Some pictures fell out and I picked them up. They were of Jellal but they weren't cutesy and what you hang on your wall but the ones you look at night when your alone. These were ones of him shirtless and sexy, I saw them in soccer weekly a little after he was realized. I blushed and put them back in the journal and put that in my suitcase. I hope Mira never see These I'll never be able to live it down. I closed the first suit case and then packed the next one. I sighed it was late. I stripped down from my clothes and went into the bathroom. I ran a warm bath and soaked it in. Man I hope they have a hot springs at the resort. I got up and covered myself with a towel and blow dried my hair. I changed into my Pjs and fell asleep. "This is going to be a nice break." I thought to myself before I fell asleep.

Sorry that this was short but I can only write so much about finding out about it.

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