Maid Cafe

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No One's POV

It was 6:00 and still dark out. No one was up yet and everything was peaceful and quiet. Yukino was first up to wake up and walked downstairs, she sighed though to see she was the first one up. She yawned and started looking through the cabinets for any breakfast food. "Out of cereal and pancake mix already?" She growled looking for eggs and bacon, but out already, and no bread either. "How do you run out of food so quickly?" She sighed and then remembered that there were four gluttonous dragon slayers staying with them as well. She slumped on the couch and sighed, she was in a loose tee shirt that covered her shorts and a pair of boxer shorts. Mira and Erza where next to wake up and walked down, Erza sat with Yukino and Mira started looking for breakfast but sighed. "Nothing to eat?" Mira sighed and Yukino nodded. "I guess we could go out." Erza said and Yukino shrugged. "Sure." Mira And Yukino agreed. Then they heard a knock at the door "I'll get it." Yukino said hopping off the couch and walking to the door. "Are you sure in that outfit?" Mira joked seeing as how she looked like she had no shorts on, but she just rolled her eyes. "It's not Blue Pegasus so yeah it's fine." She said opening the door. But it wasn't the guys she found it was Hibiki, Jenny, Ichiya, Ren, And Eve we're standing there and she cursed herself. Mira saw and pushed Yukino out the way before the guys started flirting. "Yes?" She said sweetly. "We just wanted to say hello and maybe take you out for breakfast?" Jenny said and Mira thought it over. "Sure why not." She said not trying to not sound rude. "Then can we come in?" Ren asked and Mira hesitantly let them in. Ichiya of course went straight to a Erza who then of course kicked him across the room. The other trimen (Thats What Hibiki, Eve, And Ren Are referred to as) started flirting with a uncomfortable Yukino. Then they heard another knock at the door and Yukino went to answer it again. "I swear if it's more playboys I will ugh!" She swore under her breath as she opened the door. But it was the guys, and she happily let them in. They of course noticed the "pretty boys" flirting with Mira, Erza, Lucy, And Juvia who had just woken up and when Yukino pushed past the group of guys Hibiki started flirting as well. Laxus and Jellal shut down Ichiya (who was sniffing Erza and Mira) pretty quick by shooting him a quick but scary glare. Sting, Natsu, And Gray either wrapped there arm around or pulled the girls away from them, pretty clearly saying "back off." The rest of the girls came down stairs and mumbled curses when they saw Blue Pegasus. There's nothing bad about them but, they're tiring to say the least. "So where were you guys planning on going?" Mira asked Jenny. "Oh a new cafe that just opened." She replied with a somewhat devilish smile. "Oh okay." Mira said shrugging it off. "Well we will get dressed, Jenny you can wait here, guys take the trimen so they don't peak or something." Erza said pushing the guys out. The girls walked up and got dressed most of them were wearing shorts with a tee shirt, or a loose dress. Then they met up with the guys in the hall and all piled into the elevator. They poured out the resort and looked to Jenny for directions. She said to follow her and they did. They came up on a small little cafe and she told the guys to wait outside it when they got to the doors.

With the Girls
The girls hesitated going in but did so anyway. "Okay so the real reason we asked you to come was because is a maid cafe and the owner is a close friend of our guild and he asked us to bring in some girls for today since he's short a lot and there's going to be a huge rush for today is there grand re-opening. So could you beautiful, smart, kind, and caring girls help me out." Jenny begged and all the girls froze. They huddled and after Mira, Erza, and Minerva threatened the others they all gave in. "Alright were do we get changed?" Lucy sighed and Jenny squealed with a big smile leading them to a large room with maid outfits of all different colors laid out. Jenny started handing out the outfits on hangers. The girls took the outfits glumly and changed. Here were the colors of the outfits the girls got. The girls who had long enough hair had it tied up in pigtails with a long robin (and thigh high stockings)  to match their outfits.
Lucy: Pink
Levy: Orange & Yellow
Erza: Blue & Red
Juvia: Light Blue & Dark Blue
Wendy: Light Blue & Cream
Mira: Black & Red
Kagura: Lavender & Red & Cream
Yukino: White
Minerva: Black
Jenny: Pink & Purple

"Ugh these are revealing!" Lucy groaned looking in a mirror. Charla came in and screamed "Wendy my child!" And Wendy blushed. "I was threatened." She mumbled fiddling her fingers. "Charla can you go get the guys?" Mira said and all the girls (expect for Mira and Minerva) blushed forgetting that they were out there. "Very well." She sighed flying out and headed back to where the guys were.

With the Guys
Charla flew out the doors and there was a line forming to be the first ones in. She sighed and continued to look for the guys, which shouldn't be that hard to do since two were blonde, one had pink hair and another one had blue. She found them a building down from where the cafe was. "Ugh how looong does it take to get a table!" She heard Natsu whine as she got closer. "Hey Charla!" Happy And Lector said at the same time but she ignored the "tomcats" as she liked to call them. "What's taking so long?" Gray asked and Charla simply replied "You'll see." And the guys all exchanged confused looks. "Just come on." She said flying back towards the cafe. "What's up with the line?" Gajeel asked and Charla simply replied "You'll see." They made there way to the front of the line and guys were about to say something when Jenny came out "Hey it's fine there with me." She said and the trimen stared at her in her maid outfit along with the other guys close enough to see. "Come on in guys." She said leading them inside. "Is this a-" "Yep, its a maid cafe and the owner was a little under staffed." She said winking as she sat the guys at a table. She walked back into the back room and got the girls. "There the first ones in." She said happily and the girls all sighed. Jenny came out then Minerva and then the real fun began as Mira stepped out and Laxus froze. One by one the girls came out from the back room blushing redder than Erza's hair. The guys just sat there mouths hung opened and eyes wide. "Stare wider why don't you." Kagura spat out at them. "H-h-ha-how?" Jellal finally spoke, well barely spoke. "Threats." Minerva said, she wasn't blushing like the others neither was Jenny or Mira, probably because this isn't the worst outfit they been seen in. "We're opening so tell your boyfriends not to kill anyone who flirts, only the ones who touch. It's like a museum." The owner, who was a short old man, who wasn't weird and didn't stare, but was sweet and funny. "Got that. Only kill on command." Mira joked and they all nodded. Guys started pouring in and staring at the girls and flirting. The guys found themselves staring at the girls as they walked and took orders from perverted men. "Ugh how much longer must we work?" Lucy complained sitting at the table with the guys and they all shrugged. "Only until the real waitresses get here." Erza said pulling Lucy back up into her feet. "How much longer until that?" She whined. "Another hour?" Erza said looking at Jenny and the blonde nodded and Lucy sighed. It was all going well when Kagura shrieked. Rogue shot up ran over to her. "What's wrong?" He said and she pointed at a guy with a smirk that faded when he saw Rogue. "He squeezed my but." She growled and Rogue shot him daggers. "It's was an accident?" The guy said with his voice cracking. "Then why did your friends laugh and say 'good one dude!' After it?" She growled and they all froze. "Leave or I'll make you." Rogue growled and the guy stood up thinking Rogue was shorter than he actually was and was trying to intimidate him but failed when the guy saw that Rogue was taller than him. "Did I stutter?" Rogue growled and made his fist a ball of shadows and then they guys all ran out of the cafe. "Thanks." Kagura said looking down "No problem." He said blushing and looking the other way. "Well I have to get back to work." She said and he nodded walking back to his table.
The real waitresses came around a couple hours later after they started working and the guys snuck out and waited outside for the girls, and the girls went in the back. Yukino and Sting were the last ones and as she was about to walk to the back room when Sting pulled her on his lap. She blushed "Sting, What are you doing?" She said and he kissed her neck and she squealed. He laughed and let her go, she spun around blushing. "Sorry But I couldn't resist." He said winking at her and she blushed more. "It's okay." She said smiling and kissing him on the forehead. "I'm going to go change." She said spinning back toward the changing rooms and Sting walked out to the rest of the guys.
Yukino walked into the room and the girls all smirked while changing but she didn't notice. They had seen what happened and were so going to tease her about it later. They changed out of the outfits and were about to go hand them up when Jenny stopped them. "You can keep those if you want." She said winking and they sighed hanging them up. "I'm keeping mine." Erza said proudly and the other girls laughed. The girls walked out of the cafe waving bye to the owner. "Well What now?" Levy asked and Erza perked up. "I heard there's a hot springs!" She squealed. "Can we go?" She begged and they all shrugged. "Sure why not?" They all said and Erza squealed.

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