Our House

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I don't get to celebrate Christmas that often. Last year I was in Tokyo for the holidays and the year before that I was in Texas. Then before that we were recording all day and the year before that we were doing a radio tour. I basically haven't had a Christmas for six years and it's sucked. I loved Christmas and I haven't been able to celebrate it for so long.

But this Christmas, this one was special. Patrick's family and my family are in town and we were all going to celebrate with Patrick and I at our place. His present was done and I was excited to make some holiday memories for the first time in forever. We pack the Christmas tree with presents and light up the house like Mary Lou in the Grinch. Christmas music plays throughout the house as I make sure everything looked perfect.

So I have my mom come over early and help me cook. My dad and Patrick has some much needed guy time and I get to do something I haven't done in forever, and that's make Christmas cookies. After my mom gets done yelling at me for dipping my finger in the batter and eating it, we get the cookies in the oven and wait for it to get done so we can decorate them. 

"I think your dad is warming up to Patrick" my mom mentions and I smile. I look over to the living room to see them on the couch together talking about sports. No man could resists that.

"Yeah" I ask.

"Yeah. He's was actually kind of fond of him once he stopped trying so hard to hate him. Your father will never admit he was wrong but I don't think he has a choice with this one. Patrick really loves you and he shows it all over. He's really quite likable if I do say so myself" she claims.

"He's quite the charmer" I admit.

"Is his family nice" she wonders and I smile.

"They're the nicest. You're going to love his sisters and his parents, they're the strongest people you will ever meet. They raised four wonderful kids and they don't ever stop being amazing parents. They're awesome" I admit.

"Well I can't wait until they're here" she insists.

We finish making food and join the boys in the living room as we waited for Patrick's family to get here. My dad and Patrick was watching whatever was on the tv and laughing along and that made my heart happy. My two guys getting along just like I hoped they would. I set myself in Patrick's laps and he wraps his arms around me. He kisses my cheek and I couldn't help but smile.

"When is you're family going to get here" I wonder.

"Any second now" he claims. Just then the buzzer goes off and I laugh. "Or now" he shrugs.

I let them into the premises and Patrick retrieves them from outside. I grab their coats and put them up before welcoming them in.

"Alright, I thought Patrick was over exaggerating that you live in a mansion, but he didn't lie. This place is incredible" Erica claims as she looks around.

"Thanks. It's gone through some remodeling recently since Patrick and I have been living here full time but I think it's getting to how we like it" I admit.

"How could you not like it" Jessica asks and I shrug.

"It has its ups and downs, but for the most part I love it here. It's easy to get lost in all the stuff in here,  but I'm starting to find myself. Now that Patrick's with me it's starting to feel like home" I explain.

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