My Everything

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With the playoffs under way I couldn't help but to have a little pep in my step. After I got over that virus I was playing really well. We take down the Predators in 6 games and move on to play the Canucks in the quarter finals. We met them last year too and I'm sure the bad blood will spill over into this year, which is going to make for a great series.

But right now we get a little break in between series, not much, just a day, but that's good enough for me. And while I'm over here playing for a cup Madeline has been doing a bunch of media stuff for her tour. She's been shooting commercials and appearing on late night shows. She's being promoted like crazy at the UC, they're always playing her music and showing her on the big screen. That's why Jonny says that I've been doing so good, and I don't think he's lying

As for today I was going to follow Maddie around as she continues to promote her album and tour. We end up at the pier on this beautiful day as Billboard Music sets up a in depth interview that's going to be in people magazine, which she is also going to be on the front of.

"Are you excited" I ask as I sit down next to her. My hand in hers and we wait for them to finish setting up for the interview.

"Excited for what exactly" she wonders.

"To embark on this new journey. To create memories with millions of people around the world. To tell people who you really are and to finally have them listen" I say and she smiles.

"That stuff is nice, but none of that is ever what I wanted" she claims.

"Then what did you want" I wonder.

"It was always you. I prayed and hoped and wish that someone like you would come along. Who would inspire me to write songs like this. Who would admire me as a artist and as a girl from Chicago who just wanted to make people smile. That other stuff is nice, I love touring and I love making music and sharing it with the world. But I love you most" she claims as she squeezes my hand and I smile big.

"Wow... I am by far the luckiest man in the world" I admit.

Eventually I let her go and she sits down for her interview. She explains how she came up with the music and how her break from everything helped her find herself. She talks about her struggle with depression and why it's important to listen instead of talk all the time.

"I don't think anyone had any idea you had depression or that it was so bad" the man admits.

"Yeah, it's crazy how depression can make it seem like you're on a whole another planet by yourself while everyone around you continues to live their life unbothered out here. You feel like it's so obvious that somethings wrong, you're surrounded by so much darkness you kind of think that's what other people see around you too. Everything reminds you that you're hurting but there's nothing anyone can do about it. If they can't see it then how can they help? So why bother, you know? Why reach out if the only thing that happens in the end is you getting hurt? I would rather suffer in silence than feel like a burden to anyone. I mean my dad is my manager for God's sake, it's not like I can go and post depressing things on Facebook and not have everything blown out of proportion. So instead I stayed in the dark" she explains.

"How come you never reached out. There's millions of people who would do anything to help you" he insists.

"You think I didn't try to get better? You think I didn't have anti-depressants or went to therapy or just went outside and be in the sun for a while because it's not good to stay home in the dark all day? I tried everything, anyone who has ever been depressed has tried to get better but you can't just make yourself happy. The weight of the world doesn't just lift itself off its chest. You don't just wake up one day and everything's better, in fact most days it feels like it will never get better" she sighs.

"So how did you get better" he wonders. She cracks a smile as she glances over to me.

"I spent so much time looking for a reason to be happy, and he ended up finding me" she says making me smile.

"So you're talking about Patrick" the man pieces together.

"I am. He literally ran into me one day. I had been thinking about him and he had been thinking about me but we had never met before. But the moment we finally did meet it kinda felt like we had known each other for forever. I looked into his eyes and I felt right at home, like everything I was going through was leading up to that exact moment.

Patrick didn't cure me, depression doesn't ever go away. It comes back when you least expect it and it can ruin everything. You can never be too high that depression can't reach you. But depression is no match for true love. How can I be hurting when I get to love someone so sweet and so thoughtful? He showed me that life isn't about what happens to me but rather what I make of it and he helped me get better. He's so much more than my boyfriend, he's my everything" she smiles.

"I feel like I have to agree with you because your most recent album is one of the best selling albums of all time. The album will most likely go platinum before the tour even starts. Every single song from the album has been in the billboard top ten since they dropped and it seems like people are falling in love again all over the world. What does this tour mean to you" he questions.

"It's a adventure. Now that I'm happy and healthy I can enjoy going out and sharing my dreams with everyone. I have a great team, Patrick's coming along and of course my parents and Patrick's family too. I'm really excited to hit the road again" she smiles.

The interview concluded and they do a few more pictures to put in the magazine and on the website. Eventually she calls me over and I happily walk myself over there.

"What's up" I wonder as I reach her.

"I want a picture with you" she announces and my eyes go big.

"Really? I'm not dressed for this" I insist. I had on a Blackhawks shirt and a pair of jeans, hardly photoshoot material. And she looked like a high end model.

"I don't care. This is you and I love you. It's perfectly fine" she assures me.

"Ugh... fine" I mumble and she smiles. She pulls me into the shot and wraps her arms around me. She quickly kisses my cheek and I smile. "You're lucky I love you" I threaten.

"Yes I am" she smiles.

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