One Year

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A lot can happen in one year. In the first year I was discovered by a talent agency I went from being a no one to being known by everyone. The next year I went from hot new artist to the princess of the radiowaves. The year after that I had my innocence stolen and I was left broken down. A year after that I was still trying to pick up the pieces but I wasn't sure where they went. I had them all, they were given to me and placed in my hands. But no amount of time ever made the puzzle make sense, didn't make the pieces fit together correctly.

Then the last year of my life flew by in the blink of an eye, one second I was at rock bottom fighting myself and everyone around me. Now I'm on top of the world with everyone I love the most up here with me. It's really been a long process of finding out who I am and how strong I really was, I had to figure out what I wanted then how to get it. And now look at me, I couldn't be happier if I had the choice.

I pull on a sexy black dress and curl my long hair. I put on my best make up and made sure I looked extra nice. I meet Patrick down stairs and he for once wanted to take cute couple pictures which I happily agreed to. I've been asking for couple pictures since we started dating and he always said he would rather take pictures of me than with me. But finally he agrees to get professional couple pictures done. Once he was satisfied with how he looked we drive over to the place where exactly a year ago today we first started dating. And while there were so many things about both of us that were different, it still felt like that first day when two twenty year olds stumbled upon each other and decided to give fate a chance.

We get inside and I notice it was a little different than last time. This time there were pedals in the floor everywhere and the roof of the place open so I can see the stars. There was a smooth jazz band playing silently in the back ground and I recognize one of my songs slowed down and it actually sounded really good. Maybe I should do jazz covers of my stuff. Even though I'm not always into the big spectacle and always going on extravagant dates, this was pretty nice. We haven't been on a romantic date since Paris and I think this was well over due. I smile big as I walk over to the table and look around.

"Alright, I have to admit. You may have outdone yourself" I admit.

"I had a little help" he admits.

"From who" I wonder.

"That's for me to know and you to find out" he claims and I raise a eyebrow.

"Well someone is being awful cryptic" I notice.

"I have a really incredible night planned out and there's no way I'm messing this up" he insists.

"You don't have to do all of this for me Patrick, I already love you endlessly" I remind him.

"I know. But this is a big night for us. Not a lot of couples make it a year, let alone famous couples. And it's just the first of many, I want us to really enjoy this" he claims.

"I enjoy everything I do with you" I assure him as I grab his hand. He squeezes me tight before pulling me into his side.


We sit down and someone brings out our food. I can't help but smile when I see Mac and cheese in front of me because he knows it's my favorite. I enjoy that with my wine as I look across the dinner table at my favorite sight in the whole world.

"You've been awfully quiet tonight" I mention as we get our desserts. Being the child I am banana pudding was my favorite and that's what I got but I wasn't about to complain. I loved it.

"You tend to leave me speechless" he claims.

"Not this much" I insist.

"I just don't want to mess this up" he claims.

"Mess what up" I wonder.

Patrick doesn't say anything as he just smiles at me. He takes the napkin out of his lap and places it over his empty plate before getting up. He walks over to the piano where they were playing the live music and grabs something. He returns to the table but doesn't sit down across from me. He stops beside me and turns me around in the chair.

"Patrick what-" I start before I'm cut off by my own gasps. I see Patrick getting down on one knee right in front of me and it all hits me like a truck. It made so much sense, with why this night meant so much to him and why he didn't want to mess it up. I had no idea that this was what he wanted to do but I certainly wasn't complaining either.

"Madeline May Richardson, you are the most incredible person I have ever met in my life. You're like a super hero with all the stuff you can do with your voice. I'm so blessed that I get to hear your voice every day helping me be better and cheering me on. I couldn't imagine being able to do what I can do without you. I can't imagine the man I would become if you didn't come into my life and change everything about me.

I know we're young and I know that it's only been a year. But it's been one of the most insanely incredible years of my entire life. Winning the cup with you by my side made it even better than I ever imagined winning would feel like and going on tour and traveling the world with you has been almost all of my greatest memories. I know that if this is just the first year then our lives together will be nothing short of amazing.

That's why I'm down on one knee right now, asking you to be with me forever and for always. Through the rough playoff loses and through all the sad songs. There isn't a person in this world I would rather spend the rest of my life with than you.

So Madeline May, will you marry me" he asks as I try to stop crying. But it was really hard because I was so happy and while I wasn't waiting for him to get down on one knee I was really freaking happy he did.

"Yes" I whisper as I wipe away a tear. He grabs my shaky left hand and slides the incredibly beautiful ring on my finger. I look at it as it sparkles sitting there.

I suddenly grab Patrick's face and pull him into a kiss. And I would have stayed there forever if I had the chance, but I heard clapping. So we break apart and I see both his family and my parents walking over to us. My mom practically runs over before pulling me into a hug.

"Congratulations sweetie" she cheers as I hug her back.

"Thanks momma" I say as she lets me go. After her Patrick's sisters give me a hug and congratulate me. They tell me they're excited to have me be a part of the family and I assure them that the feeling is mutual. I hug his parents before my dad comes up to me. He looks at the ring on my finger and smiles.

"He did pretty good" he admits.

"You knew about this" I question a bit surprised he let this happen.

"I did. He asked for permission to propose when we met you guys on tour. And while it pained me to give you away, I know you're in good hands" he admits.

"The best hands in the NHL" I tease as he smirks. He pulls me into a hug and I happily hug him back. I'm so thankful that through our differences in the end we will always be a family.

"I'm proud of you munchkin" he tells me.

"Thanks daddy" I smile.

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