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As a part of the European leg of the tour we end up in Paris, aka my favorite place in the whole world to be a tourist. Everything about this city is so adorable and it is so aesthetically pleasing, I'm just happy to be around and to be able to experience it all.

And something that has been on my bucket list was to go up into the Eiffel Tower and get a bunch of cute pictures to hang up of me and my boyfriend in the most romantic city in the world falling more and more in love with each passing second. Luckily for me I had a really incredible boyfriend who loves me more than he loves anything and does a lot of things just to make me happy.

So he gets us reservations at the always busy restaurant in the Eiffel Tower and we have probably the nicest date I will ever go on. I pulled on my fancy red dress that I only wore for the most special occasions and he had on his tux as we sit by the windows. I look out and smile to myself because I was living the dreams I've had for the longest time. And they're finally coming true.

"You know, when I was a little girl I always dreamed of this moment. To be at the one place I wanted to be at more than anything. I tried to imagine what I would look like, what my Prince Charming would look like and how the view from up here would be.

And I wasn't even close to how incredible this moment truly is. When you spend so much time trying to think of what something like this would be like, what I would feel like, you kinda feel like it can never be this good. And I would have never been able to imagine that I'm so in love with my life and with this place and with you. I never could have predicted all that I had to go through to be in this moment, and how I would do it all again just so I could be here with you" I explain.

Patrick reaches across the table and softly grabs my hand. He sets it between us on the white table cloth as he squeezes it tight. He knows I loved when he held my hand like this and would look into my eyes. It made me feel so loved.

"I'm so thankful that I can be a part of yours dreams. That I'm the guy you see when you look across the dinner table. I never had dreams like these, but every day with you feels like a dream. I make new ones every day and then I look at you and they all come true. For whatever reason I am being blessed with the best life possible and it's only like that because I have you" he says.

"Love works in mysterious ways. I'm just so happy that I get to live out our dreams like these then make new ones for us to chase down and do them too" I say.

He softly kisses the back of my hand before letting it go. We take a look at the wine menu and get a bottle to keep us company. We had two days between shows and I was planning on spending every second up here not worrying about any of that. I've waited my whole life for this moment and I wasn't about to sit here and spend my time worrying about other things. I could finally live in this moment and know that I will never ever find another one like it.

After we order food we sip on the wine and just look out over the city. We watch the sun set on this amazing day and I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"I love when you're all smiley like that. I always think you look beautiful, but there's something about the way you smile, it just drives me crazy" he claims.

"A smile can say a lot about a person" I admit.

"When we first met you didn't smile that much. I mean you did, but not a real smile. Not a smile that's there not because there's a reason to smile but because you can't find a reason not to. Like you're so happy that there's no specific singular reason to smile. You're just happy" he explains.

"I tend to get that way when I'm with you" I insist.

"And I love that about you. That me just being with you is the reason you look so damn good" he claims and I start to blush. I tuck a long strand of hair behind my ear as my eyes start to dart around trying to find something to stare at.

"I don't know what to say" I admit. It's not often that I'm speechless but sometimes he just takes my words away.

"You don't have to say anything. Your smile says it all" he claims.

"And what does my smile say" I question.

"It says that you're no longer hurting, that the pain that was in your eyes is being replaced by the happiness in your smile. And it's not that you're not hurt by your past anymore, it's that the pain from that shit is no longer what drives you. It's not longer controlling you. Now you're just happy, happy to be alive, happy to be able to touch peoples lives the way you do, happy to live out these fantasies and for them to be even better than you expected" he explains.

"Look at you... you've learned so much" I tease.

"I listen to you. When you're talking and you don't think anyone is listening I always am. I love the sound of your voice, the thoughts in your head. I love being a part of your life for both music and things not so music related. I love that you wanted me to come experience this with you and make memories like these that I know will last a lifetime. I love it all" he rambles.

"I don't get how a guy like you could be so misunderstood. You are the sweetest most thoughtful man I've ever met in my life. How do people have you so wrong" I ask as he shrugs.

"Some people don't want to know what's behind my smile" he claims.

"Well I feel awful for them. Just knowing you, being around you has been such a blessing and I can't imagine a good life without you. Any life really" I admit.

"Good. Because I don't think I could ever lose you" he insists.

"I'm right here. Always" I promise.

Every Rose Has It's Thorns (Patrick Kane)Where stories live. Discover now