Missin' You

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Never in a million years did I think I would have a world famous girlfriend and be able to meet all my favorite actors and singers. The Grammys was a incredible experience, one of the best days of my life next to getting drafted and New Years in New York this year. I have so many pictures and so many memories. The after party was awesome and I didn't feel left out. I got to be a part of the fun and party my heart out.

But I had to leave the next morning to finish up the games with the Blackhawks before the Olympics and Maddie has to stay back to finish the album so she could come to the Olympics. I told her that if she needs to stay and work on the album she could, but she insisted she wanted to hang out with me and my family in Vancouver. She's never been to the Olympics before and really wanted to come so she's working really hard to get her album recorded and finished. Unfortunately that means for a little while longer we were separated again and it made my heart hurt. It was weird to be in her house without her here. I really missed her, but Titan kept me busy.

In the mean time I go up to her trophy room and set her new Grammys next to her other ones on the shelf. She had a total of 9 now and it doesn't look like she was going to stop any time soon. The fact that she had to give all her achievements their own room was proof enough that she was a special girl. There had to be at least 30 trophies and 20 records hanging up around here. Even I was at a lost for words.

I look around and see a trophy that was separated from all the others. It was the one that my sisters and I got her for her birthday and I smile big. I walk over to it as see a little plaque next to it. I almost cry as I read what she had said:

"Out of any awards I could ever win, winning the hearts of the people I love is the greatest prize there ever was."

I smile to myself as I look back to the trophy. I know she didn't care for them but she said this one was her favorite one because this one actually meant something. It feels great to know that I've made a impact on someone like her who obviously has had a lot of winning in her life. And to know that she thinks me and my family is her greatest prize, well that makes it all worth it.

I take a picture of it and send it to my sisters because I'm sure they'll appreciate it. After that I decide to go play with Titan so he won't tear anything up. Mommy already had to buy a new couch and she wasn't too happy about that. So I go downstairs and head to get the dog from his room. Yeah... he has his own room. But when I get downstairs I see him sitting on the new couch which made me worried for many reasons.

"How in the world did you get out" I ask him like he can answer me.

"I let him out" someone says and I stop. I quickly turn around and see Maddie standing by the couch.

I drop the dog toy I had in my hand and run over to her. I pick her up and spin her around as I wrap her in my arms. She lets out a excited laugh as she wraps her arms around me.

"What are you doing here" I ask as I set her down.

"I finished the album early so I came home" she smiles and I try to get my heart rate back to normal. Pretty hard to do with her around.

"I didn't know you were done yet" I insist.

"I know. I wanted to surprise you" she claims.

"Well I'm very surprised" I admit.

"Good" she says as she wraps her arms around my neck. I grab her waist and pull her into me so I can really look into her eyes. I missed being able to do this when she was gone.

"I missed you so much" I admit showing all signs of weakness. I didn't even care at this point.

"I missed you too. Every moment we're apart I spent wishing I was with you again" she claims.

"Well were together now" I say as she bites her bottom lip. I knew exactly what that meant.

I swiftly pick her up as she wraps her legs around me. I take her into the bedroom on the first floor because trying to get upstairs after having a morning skate is a awful idea even if I'm not carrying someone. So I softly set her on the bed but she pulls me down with her. She suddenly rolls us over so she was sitting on top of me. She quickly presses her lips to mine and I can't help but smile.

"Wow, someone really missed me" I tease.

"I can show you better than I can tell you" she smirks as I raise my eyebrows. She starts to undo my belt and I kinda sit there at a loss for words.

"Are you drunk right now" I wonder.

"Nope" she assures me.

"You were just in California. Are you high" I ask and she giggles.

"I've never smoked anything before" she assures me. "Can't I just want to love you" she questions.

"You can. It's just... I want to make sure you really want to do this" I say.

"Patrick we have sex all the time" she reminds me.

"I know. But I don't want it to just be meaningless sex. I want you to be able to enjoy it as much as I do" I insist.

She just smiles down at me as she moves my hands away from my belt to wrap them around her waist.

"I want you every second of every hour of every day. I want you physically, mentally, emotionally, in every single way" she says softly making me smile back at her.

"Is that one of your songs" I question and she giggles.

"No. But nobody makes me sing like you do" she claims and I smirk.

"My god. Someone's being extra sexual today" I accuse and she laughs.

"I just really missed you. And I would really appreciate it if you just shut up for a second so I can show you" she claims and I smile.

"Yes mam."

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