Doin' Just Fine

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"Hey Patrick! Are you and Maddie gonna come bar hop with us" Duncs asks as he heads to the door. The game had been over a while ago and everyone was going to go out and celebrate the win. The team was doing really good and usually I would be all over the chance to go get plastered on a week day, but I knew I was needed at home.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm gonna have to take a rain check this time" I say and he raises a eyebrow at me.

"Seriously? You're finally legal and you don't want to come drink" he questions me.

"Naw. I'm needed at home" I try.

"She don't need you" Buff jumps in.

"No, she doesn't. But I need me to be there" I defend.

"I doubt that" Sharpy scoffs.

"Let 'em go guys. He know what he's taking about" Jonny adds in and I smile. He sends me a quick wink before I grab my things and head in the opposite direction.

Even though Maddie was at the game she went home before I even got done with interviews and workouts. She doesn't come out much after the games anymore but she never misses a home game either. So I get home and find the lights on so I know she made it here safe. I let myself in and find Titan waiting for me at the door. I see he had on my jersey and I couldn't help but smile, I didn't even know she got this. Maddie loved hockey and more specifically the Blackhawks so I'm sure she got this at the game today then rushed home to put Titan in it.

"What did mommy do to you" I ask as I bend down to pet him. He gives me a big bark letting me know he was excited to see me too.

"She made him into a mascot" Maddie says as she comes into the living room.

"Well I think you look great" I say before giving him a kiss.

I get up and go over to my girlfriend before wrapping her in a hug. She smiles up at me as she brushes a curl out of my face.

"How are you feeling tonight" I ask truly wanting to hear that she's doing good.

"I'm pretty great right now. It helps that you played an amazing game tonight, watching you play always puts me in a good mood" she claims.

"Well I'm glad I can help you" I tease.

"Are you ready for the playoffs coming up" she wonders and I sigh.

"As ready as I'll ever be. We were so close last year so I hope that we can go all the way this year" I admit.

"I think you will" she claims.

"And what makes you say that" I wonder.

"Because you have a really really good team. You're tight defensively and have good goal tending. And that 88 isn't too bad either" she teases.

"You mean that one" I ask pointing to Titan.

"He's pretty cool too. But I was referring to the original 88. The one who plays hockey like nobody's business" she claims and I smile.

"Why do you like hockey so much" I wonder.

"I always have. I'm from Chicago, while hockey wasn't always the pride and joy I always loved it. Being a original 6 franchise and a big part of what makes this place so special I always enjoyed the Blackhawks. My mom was always a huge fan and she would take me to games when I was little. I even sang the National anthem a few times and met some of the players. Now I'm not on a hockey card like you but I've had my fair share of hockey memories" she admits.

"And how come I was your favorite player" I ask.

"I don't know, you always stuck out to me. Whenever you're on the ice I know it. My eyes just find you and they never leave. From your first game to now I always knew you were special, I know you had incredible talent and skill. You're going to be huge for this sport Patrick, I just know it" she insists.

"I hope I can mean to hockey what you mean to music" I claim and she smiles.

"You'll get there" she jokes.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the night? We can go to the music room and play on the instruments or sit in the hot tub room and chill. We can find a movie or do some yoga. What do you want" I wonder.

"I want you" she says softly.

"I'm right here. I'm always going to be right here for you, you know that right" I ask.

After she had a break down the other night I tried to get her to reach out for help but she promised me it won't happen again. She had been drinking and she hadn't been sleeping so her mind was a bit off. She was no longer considered depressed by biological standards but there's still episodes every once in a while that popped up and reminded us of her struggles. But she cleaned it all up herself and replaced the glass that she broke. She seemed to be better but stuff like that doesn't just go away. That feeling she's had, I've felt it before and I know it hurts. I know it suck and it's still there in the back of your mind. She can get better and still be hurting, it's possible.

"I know you got me. But I promise I'm fine now. I wrote some and I talked to you and I feel better. It really do" she says.

"You promise" I ask.

"I promise" she replies.

"Good. So what do you want to do for the rest of the night" I wonder.

"The hot tub doesn't sound too bad" she admits.

"I was hoping you would say that" I smirk.

She grabs my hand and pulls me to the second floor and into the first door off the stairs. She pulls me into the room and closes the door behind her so Titan doesn't cause a scene... again. We needed to get him to the lake sometime, that dog loved his water. She starts to undress and I quickly join her. We slide into the hot tub and I turn on the jets and lights and she swims over to me. Her long hair spreads out across the water around her and she looked like she could be in the little mermaid. You know... if the little mermaid had brown hair and was naked.

She places herself in my lap and I smile big. She wraps my arms around her and I hold her tight.

"Man... this is so much better than going out drinking with the guys" I admit and she giggles.

"Are you sure" she questions.

"A hundred percent."

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