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Harry's POV:

Her lips roughly attach to mine, both of us panting in between breaths. Her hands are on my neck and mine are placed on her hips. We groan at the friction between us and she pulls me closer to her, moaning into my mouth.

I needed a distraction. I couldn't have these thoughts in my head. I hated thinking about it. But it was so fucking hard when it was shoved in my face all the damn time. I wanted to let loose and the high and drunkenness wasn't cutting it.

I told Paige I was heading out, but she followed me. So here we were. In my car, parked in front of a random house. I had started to drive away from Max's house, the party mode dying down on me. Paige started to say something and I couldn't really hear her, or maybe I was just too focused on trying to leave. But then she grabbed my arm, halting us to a stop, told me to park my car, and then climbed on my lap.

I was honestly planning on going to Emma's house since sometimes I'd go there when I wasn't feeling up to anything. Niall, Liam, and Louis were still at the party, and Emma was never really a person to go to those. She still went to some since we had most of the same friends, but she wasn't the type of person to get that drunk or high, yet she was still fun to be around.

I think that's why I usually went to see her after I was buzzed. She knew how to make me laugh, have a good time, forget about what I wanted to forget about, but also I guess take care of me and make sure I wasn't doing something more stupid.

"Harry" I heard Paige moan, almost forgetting the position we were in. I went back to kissing her, hard, as if I kissed more and more the thought in my mind would disappear. But it didn't work. No matter how hard I tried, no matter the amount of sex, drinks, or weed I had, it was still there.

Don't get me wrong, Paige was hot.

But this feeling never went away. Even when we started dating last year.

I felt her hands on my hair, tugging on it and then on moving towards my lower half. They reached my jeans and as she started to undo my belt I knew that my mood for this had also started to die down.

She moved her hips closer to mine, grinding on me and then started to unbuckle my belt. I placed my hands over her's, stopping her and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, both of us panting a little.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Sorry, I'm just not really feeling it right now." I tell her and she sits back, with an annoyed look on her face.

"Are you kidding? You literally just dragged me out of that party where I was having a good time and now you wanna stop?"

I groan, running my hand through my hair. "Technically I didn't drag you. You followed me."

She looks at me, "fuck you." She says, opening the door and climbing off my lap. "You know you sure as hell are gonna come right back, calling me again tomorrow to please you." She smirks, patting my cheek before she walks off.

I sigh, starting my car up again and checking my mirrors before I drive. I know I'm drunk, but I don't I'm too drunk, so I take no time to think about if I'm driving badly. Luckily there's lots of open roads with not too many people on a late night like this and Emma doesn't live too far away.

When I get to her house I party in-front of it, getting out of my car and shutting it. I realize that I never told her I was here, but when I take out my phone I see that it's dead and I groan a little, walking to her front door. It takes me a couple seconds to find the bell and I wait for a little bit after I press it.

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