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"Why'd she have to come" Ethan mumbles and I shush him when Harry comes outside.

"Sorry about that, guys come on you gotta take baths before dinner" He calls and Evan and Avery and they jump off the swings, following him inside.

I close the door behind me and I'm stuck, not knowing what to do after Harry heads upstairs and I'm left with Paige in the den.

"I swear you're always here"She says.

"Well, Harry's my friend and I've known the whole family for a while" I reply.

"Harry's my friend and I've known the whole family for a while,bullshit" she mimics. "We all know you have a crush on him, and you have since who knows"

"We?" I ask.

Shit Emma.

"Oh so you're finally not denying it." She says with a smirk and I lick my lips, "and yes, there isn't no 'we', but there might be soon."

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. Sooner or later Harry's gonna find out. And I swear if you try anything on him I'll make sure he does." She threatens and just in time Harry shows up and Paige goes back to her fake smile.

"Sorry it took a little while for them to decide who wanted to take a shower first" He says and Paige grabs his hand leading him over to the opposite armchair, sitting on the side of it with one of her arms wrapped around his neck.

Anne slides into the room, putting her hair up into a bun, "oh, I didn't know you were coming over, Paige"

"...oh yeah, I thought I'd stop by. Also I'm staying for dinner" she says and Anne opens her mouth but nods her head.

"Emma, would you come help me?" She asks and I nod, walking away from them.

I take a hair tie from my wrist, throwing my hair up in a messy bun before I get a pan out, heating it as Anne takes out the chicken.

"Did you know she was coming over?" She asks me and I shake my head. "I'm sorry, but I do not like her. She doesn't seem to fit with Harry...she honestly reminds me of those other types of girls at schools...you know the ones who always try to get in guys pants." She says and I widen my eyes at her statement, laughing a little bit.

Anne definitely knows what's up.

"Now don't go on and tell Harry this, I mean I've already tried asking him what he likes about her and he's never really given an answer except that she's 'nice' but I can see that's a bold face lie right away."

"Is that all he's said about her?" I ask, curiously.

"Basically. I just don't get it, Harry talks to me about everything, and yes I get it that most teenagers don't want to talk to their parents about ever my detail oh their life, especially a romantic one, but I'm not even asking for every detail, just...I want to see him with someone who genuinely makes him happy, and I don't see that with her." She says, and starts to heat the chicken on the pan. I fidget with my fingers at her words and remember that I'm supposed to be helping her so I open the fridge, grabbing some more supplies.

"Well...have you gotten to know her? Like had she come over for dinner to meet the whole family and did you do the thing where you show her Harry's baby pictures?" I ask and she smiles, but shakes her head with a little frown.

"No, she has come over for dinner, but it was because I practically begged for her and Harry to eat something before they went off to some party. And she barely talked. Plus, she didn't even really eat the food."

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