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I can't get up.

Well I can, but I don't want to.

I mean why should I wake up? It's only the first day of school, I'll have plenty more to go.

Yep, you heard me right. It's the time of the year that every kid hates.

Waking up when the sun is not even out, getting ready while you're still half asleep, and grabbing a granola bar or eating something on the way because you don't have time for breakfast.

Senior year was going to be rough, but it would also be my last year here.

As any other year,of course you'd have most of the same things any other year has: stupid drama, relationships, gossip, rumors, crushes on hot teachers, school dances where people get drunk or high, or both.

And I almost forgot, the homework, tests, projects. But I was done with the SAT.

"Emma, let's go, I have guests coming over in and hour and I need no distractions!" My mom yells, peeking her head into my bedroom, before she closes it back.

I groan, covering myself with my blanket and enjoying the little bit of time I have left in my bed.

I finally get up, about 5 minutes later, and start to get myself ready. I threw on the outfit I had picked the night before with the help of the girls. There were some good things about being a daughter to a fashion designer because I thought I had decent taste.

 There were some good things about being a daughter to a fashion designer because I thought I had decent taste

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I was putting on my makeup when I got a Facetime call  from Bella.

"Hey" She says and I greet her back. It turns into a 4 way call when Hailey and Ellie join and we start getting ready together.

"So guys, I was at Rao's, the italian restaurant in the city, the other day and I may or may not of met a cute raven head" Ellie mentions.

"Do we get a name yet?"I ask, curiously.

"Zayn Malik. He goes to our school and he's in the same grade"She replies and I think I recognize that name.

"But, I only just met him. So who knows if I'll ever talk to him again"

"Well if you don't I will..."Hailey says and we laugh.

"Hails, by the way, you never told us anymore about what happened in Miami" I start. "You have to of met some beach hotties"

"Oh, I sure did" She says, putting on some chapstick. "But, nothing ever went past a make out. I'm looking for someone I can be with for a while" She says.

"Yeah, I know what you mean" I add, putting on some mascara.

"Oh come on Em, you were the one traveling all around Europe. Didn't you meet any foreign guys with hot accents? Well besides Harry of course" Bella says and I open my mouth in shock, not feeling mad, just not expecting her to say that.

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