Chapter 7 Home Bitter Home

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"What took you so long to come home?! You have a visitor inside. Your friend said that you have some catching up to do because he missed his first day of class. Now get in! I don't want to hear your excuses! Just do your homework, you're not obligated to cook dinner tonight, we'll just order take out. But next time no surprises! I don't want you to bring your friends over without my permission. Got it?!" Milton tried to open his mouth to explain himself but he decided to just let it go and went inside the house. There he saw his best friend with still a lot of splotches on his face. John Dylan tried to apologize to Mrs. Carmichael but as soon as Milton went inside the house, Denise just left them and went straight to the living room. The two best friends then quietly went into Milton's room to talk about the first day of school.

"JD I told you not to come to the house. Now I know there'd be hell to pay tomorrow." "I just don't understand why you allow yourself to be taken advantage of by those sleazy demons." "Now JD watch your language, their still my family and I love them." "Is family supposed to treat you the way you've been treated all your life huh Milt? You're supposed to enjoy your last year with your family before going to college, not dread it every time you go home." "Not this again JD, I don't want to hear any more of it. Now let me just change before we can start." "It's just not fair, that's all." With the awkward conversation done, Milton changed out of his school uniform and then he began catching JD up with the lectures and projects that they'd be doing for the new school year.

It was already late in the evening when JD and Milton finished studying that Matthew decided to let JD have dinner with them. Denise was eyeing Milton with her death glare but just nodded as she placed the Chinese takeout they ordered on the dining table. During dinner, the parents were sharing adult conversation and the two best friends were talking on their own as well which left Jean without anyone to talk to. Jean suddenly blurted out: "You know mom, I've been hailed as the head cheerleader of the school and I'll be running for student body president this year." As Denise kissed her daughter on the cheek, she shifted gears and eyed Milton coldly as she spoke. "That's just wonderful dear! What about you?! How have your studies been?!" Milton knew that no matter what he'd say his mother would find a way to bring him down. So he just contented himself to saying nothing and continuing his meal. "I was talking to you, you overgrown excuse of a—" She was really trying her best to control her temper as she tried to restrain herself to curse in front of a visitor. "Well speak up boy! How have your studies been?" Milton just continued his meal and tried his best not to shift in his chair. "Well, just as I thought. You have nothing to say for yourself. How can I be proud of you when you're such an incompetent, lazy and filthy son of a bas—" Suddenly Matthew came to the rescue as he almost screamed at Denise. "Denise, that's enough! Allow the boy to explain. Now Milton, how have your studies been?" Matthew's voice was soft and understanding. John Dylan then came to the rescue of his greatest friend as he said: "He was chosen to represent the class in the up and coming Regional Oratorical Contest sir." "Thanks for the info Dylan but it's rude to speak out of turn. Please allow Milton to speak for himself. Now Milton please tell your mother how your studies have been." Matthew's voice was soft and caring that he had to answer him properly. As he said: "I was chosen to represent the school in the Regional Oratorical Contest and Interschool Science Quiz Bee. I am also in the running to be the school Valedictorian for our batch and—" Denise then cut her off and angrily stated: "Now you're bragging is that it? Am I supposed to be impressed that you're doing well in your studies when that's what you're supposed to do?!" "I was just answering your question mom." "Shut up! Your mouthing back now are you boy?! You ungrateful swine! Now go to your room! I don't want to see your face! John Dylan leave now. Dinner's over." As Denise went on her tirade, Matthew's eyes widened as he couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. Jean Carmichael beamed with pride and she was almost giddy at the sight of her brother once again being humiliated in such a devastating way. John Dylan just stood up quietly and thanked them for dinner as he made his way to the front door when suddenly...

Milton was surprised and humiliated with the sudden outburst of his mother. As he stood up, he felt his gaze lose focus and he had a hard time breathing. He felt his heart weaken and his heart beat seemed to fade. He felt weaker and weaker until he fell faint on the floor. As John Dylan tried to help him to his feet, he saw that his best friend's nose was bleeding and became petrified and felt like he didn't know what to do. JD became transfixed at the sight of his fallen friend and was almost statuesque in his shock and disbelief. Meanwhile Denise and Jean just continued dinner and was even sharing small talk as if nothing happened. Denise even had the gall to say: "That boy is just faking it. John Dylan I thought I told you to leave!" Matthew became so angry at Denise that his bellows echoed to the whole house. "Denise that's enough! Call 911 now!" Denise reluctantly called the 911 hotline as Matthew was trying his best to recuperate the fallen Milton. 10 minutes later the ambulance came, he was immediately placed on the stretcher and was brought to the nearby hospital. In the hospital... 

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