Chapter 11 Aftermath

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At the hospital, Milton was tended to again by his doctors. Matthew called his friend once again and told him about what happened. But no matter how many times he tried to convince him to reveal himself to Milton, he was still very hesitant. All Matthew could do was wait for what the doctors had to say. A few hours later, Denise and Jean arrived at the hospital. Denise was genuinely concerned for Milton. Jean tried to look concerned as well, but her smile showed her true colors. Matthew hugged Denise but he ignored his daughter. He told Denise everything about what happened earlier in the day. He told her that Milton now knew the truth about his adoption. He told her that before he could explain everything Milton stood up and left and that was when he once again fainted and his nose bled more profusely than the last time. He also told her that if it wasn't for Jean snooping around during their last conversation, he wouldn't have been forced to tell Milton the truth. Denise just looked at Jean disapprovingly; her eyes were filled with anger and disappointment. Denise didn't even say anything yet when Jean recoiled in her seat, holding her ground that it was the right thing that Milton finally knew the truth. Denise spoke softly as she said; "Jean dear, did you manipulate your dad to tell Milton that he was adopted? Were you sneaking around outside our room trying to listen to our conversation?" Jean was flabbergasted that it was her mother that was now talking to her about that parasite. Jean held her ground as she said; "But mom, when I found out about Milton's situation I took it upon myself to tell him because he needed to tell the truth. It's for his own good mom." Matthew suddenly hissed as his anger was getting the best of him. "So now you're feigning sympathy for your brother. Is that it?! You knew that if he found out about his adoption it would devastate him. You knew that—" "Why do you even care so much about that bastard Milton. He is not even our flesh and blood!" "Jean shut up! I am so disappointed in you. I'll deal with you later. Right now we have to hope that Milton will be just fine, or else you'll be in so much trouble." Jean was surprised that it was her mother and constant ally Denise who stood up for Milton and threatened punishment if anything happened to him. Jean just quietly sat in her corner, muttering words listlessly. Matthew was fighting the urge to yell at Jean even more, so he just contented himself to call John Dylan about what happened to Milton once again.

JD immediately called Kristina after hearing the news and the two of them went to the hospital together. Jean was surprised that Kristina showed up for Milton, but since she was already in so much trouble, she just looked up and smiled sheepishly at her from her corner seat. Kristina ignored her completely as she went to talk to Matthew. Matthew in turn told Kristina and John Dylan about Milton's situation. Matthew took out the part about Milton finding out his truth. In his mind, he realized that he wanted Milton to tell his friends if and when he chooses to. The doctor soon came out to talk to the family about Milton's condition. Milton's heart was getting weaker and weaker and the doctor predicted that his next episode could prove fatal. He also warned the Carmichael family that any more surprises could expedite his illness and could very well kill him. Everyone who heard the news about Milton's condition fell quiet and an air of pessimism filled the room. Even beyond all this, Jean still couldn't hide her smile at the heartbreaking news. She didn't want to say it, but him being gone would mean that her life would go back to normal and she wouldn't have anyone to share her parents' affections with. She didn't know why she hated him so much and why she felt so cold despite hearing such terrible news about the 'brother' that only really wanted to be a part of the family.

Milton slept for eighteen hours straight and when he woke up, he saw that John Dylan and Kristina were the only two people in the room. JD was lying down on the sofa chair adjacent to the hospital bed, while Kristina was sleeping on the edge of the bed holding his hand. Milton didn't want to deal with the situation just yet so he went back to sleep and hoped that when he woke up once again, he would be alone in the room. So when he woke up the next day, Kristina and JD were no longer there. He was very hungry, that he gobbled his breakfast in about 10 minutes. He still felt weak that he called for the nurses. The nurse that attended to him said that he was asleep for over 36 hours. So she provided more food for Milton to eat because he suddenly looked malnourished. After he ate the food, he thanked the nurse and told her that he didn't want to be disturbed.

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