Chapter 14 The Last Goodbye

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The time for the oratorical contest was finally here and Milton was tasked to give his piece last. He wore a long sleeves white polo shirt and black slacks. His face was worn out and tired but he had a satisfied look on his face. He was peaceful and ready for what's to come. He was weak and he had dark circles underneath his deep hazel eyes. His two best friends JD and Kristina sat beside him quietly beaming with pride and nervous anticipation. Matthew and his family sat a few rows away from the trio. Matthew had his head held high and he was ready to cheer for his adopted son. In the distance Milton's real father watched from the shadows. Quietly watching his son, eager to hear him and see his performance. Finally Milton's turn was up and as he stepped on to the stage, the spotlight lit his face and his gaunt look made him look like a fallen angel. Milton stepped forward and as he spoke up, his heart swelled with the level of conviction and gravitas that he never knew he had. As the words came out of his mouth, his face beamed with a quiet resolve and a strength that belied his small stature. His voice echoed throughout the auditorium as he said...

"I was not supposed to be here. Months ago, I was diagnosed with a debilitating illness that worsened over the course of the last year. When my health weakened and the school deemed fit to strip me of my responsibilities as a model student, I pleaded for them to keep me on as a participant in this year's Oratorical Contest. For weeks as I prepared for this moment, my heart swelled with pride because I have something to stay. I stand before you today with an open heart and a mind filled to the brim with ideas about what my purpose in life is.

The theme of this year's oratorical contest is the Value of Role Models to the development of the youth of tomorrow. Through the years I've lived this life, I've learned about the value of simplicity, patience and understanding. I've faced adversity along the way but I've learned to always put my head down and continue to do the work. I've had my detractors through the years but I've also had people who believed me. Role models don't need to be people that inspire, they can be people that encourage and guide. Gone are the role models of years past whose primary goal is to set an example to follow. The youth of today need role models who can encourage and accept the many talents and gifts that they possess. I had that role model. Despite my many detractors, my adoptive father was my greatest confidant making him my greatest role model. His unwavering support and guidance allowed me to grow and learn from the many mistakes of my youth.

The people in my life that supported me are also my role models. My best friend John Dylan, whose unwavering loyalty and understanding allows me to see him in an entirely new light through every problem we face. My very special friend Kristina, whose reinvention of herself from who she was allows me to see how brave and fearless she truly is. The adoptive family who took me in despite my many flaws--their hospitality allowed me to be here and stand before you today. Most of all I found that I am my own role model; everything I've been through that lead me to here and now keeps me going knowing that I have the inner strength to value myself. Now I leave you with this. Everyone of us needs role models. If you are a parent, a teacher, a sibling or a confidant of a child in need of a role model; thank you and Godspeed."

As he finished his speech, his two best friends beamed with pride at their friend's wisdom. Matthew stood up and unabashedly showed his affection towards him by clapping his hands profusely. Jean and Denise remained in their seats but even they couldn't hide their immense pride towards Milton's bravery. As Milton stood there sinking in the applause of the people, he felt his eyes lose their gaze one last time and he fell faint on the floor. Immediately JD and Kristina rushed to the stage to tend to their fallen friend. He was immediately rushed to the hospital but the doctors could no longer do anything.

"Kristina I'm dying." "No don't say that. You'll be alright. The doctors will save you." "I don't have much time left but before I go I just want to say I love you--dear sister." "I love you to. Don't go. Everything is going to be okay--sister? What?!" Suddenly Jeremy, Kristina's father, barged in as he said: "Nineteen years ago, your mother and I fought and she kicked me out. I was angry and distraught so I went to this bar one night and got drunk. The waitress there took care of me and I got her pregnant. Miguel--well I guess Milton was the boy in the womb. When your mother and I patched things up I was so afraid that she would find out that I hid him from you and your mother. When Milton's mother died I asked Matthew's help to care for him while I tried my best to support him financially without you knowing. I was a coward for never stepping up to take care of the boy but I was so happy when you got to know him a little bit early in the year. It killed me inside that I couldn't come to him and tell him that I loved him. I'm so sorry for not telling you my dear princess. I was afraid of losing you..."

Tears fell down Kristina's face as this final revelation rocked her world. So it wasn't romantic love that she felt for Milton but rather it was familial love. She was so shocked when she felt such a quick connection for him early on but it was always there. Milton was the brother she never thought she wanted and yet he was there when she needed him the most. As the father and daughter hugged, Milton was finally able to rest as he gave one last hearty smile before dying.

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