Chapter 10 Milton's Worst Fears Realized

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For the next few days, Jean kept this life changing information to herself. She tried so hard to seem normal even though she was already plotting a dastardly plan to expose this deep dark secret and to throw Milton's life on the mud. She knew that she couldn't be the one to expose the secret as it was a very convenient and simple way to do so. She wanted it to be more evil. She wanted to see his life go in shambles knowing that someone he loved exposed the secret. Finally she decided that it had to be her father who would reveal the secret. All through the years that Matthew tried to protect Milton from the wrath of both her and Denise; for him to reveal the secret would be the ultimate blow to Milton's precious world. In her head, he was finally feeling a sense of belonging and joy, it was time to destroy the world that he so meticulously tried to build back up after his diagnosis. So she set it up during one afternoon when she was sure that her dad was around. She was on her room talking loudly on her phone. It seemed like she was talking to Kristina as she revealed the secret of Milton's adoption. She said that she overheard her parents talking one evening about the fact that Milton was adopted. She then deduced that it could have been the reason why her mother hated him so much. Finally she ended the call by saying that she had to tell him the truth as she couldn't bear the burden of this huge secret any longer. As soon as she ended the call, she came out of her room to see her father resting in the master's bedroom. She was sure that he overheard her and all she could do now was wait for the aftermath.

Matthew just arrived from work one afternoon and he was preparing to take a nap when he overheard the conversation Jean was having on her phone. He didn't catch the whole conversation, but from what he heard—she found out that Milton was adopted and she couldn't bear to keep the secret any longer. He was in shock about this new development because he couldn't allow Jean to reveal the secret because he knew that she would reveal it in the most tacky and nonchalant way. Milton needed to know the truth from someone who cared about him and could explain the situation in a tactful and loving way. He then decided that he had to be the one to do it. He dreaded this day because he knew that it could break Milton's heart both literally and figuratively. He called his friend and this time he didn't need to see him anymore. His message to his friend was brief and concise. "My friend, the cats out of the bag. My daughter knows that Milton is adopted and she will tell him as soon as she can. I have no choice. I need to tell him before she does or else he will be more hurt and heartbroken finding it out from someone as callous as my daughter. If he asks about his legitimate father, I will not lie to him and I'll tell him everything. I'm sorry my friend. Just be prepared for everything as I will tell him tonight." Matthew didn't even allow him to interject as he ended the call as quickly as he made it.

As Milton arrived that night, he had no way of knowing that his world would come crumbling down. After his release from the hospital, he started to feel really happy and welcome in the world that he was living in as her mother and sister no longer conspired to ruin his life. His mother was even civil and motherly to him. She still couldn't bear to give him hugs or complements, but as long as she acknowledged him in a positive light, then he was okay with it. Even Jean was uncharacteristically quiet. After the incident on his first day back in school from the hospital, he was sure that she would retaliate with something truly dreadful, but days turned to weeks and she still left him alone. Now it was two months from his release at the hospital and he was now feeling so happy and blessed about everything that has transpired since.

One afternoon as Milton arrived from school, Matthew approached him with a grim look on his face and a voice that threatened to escape him at any moment. "Milton, son, we need to talk. Please don't interrupt me or else I will not be able to say what it is I need to say." He then led his son to a chair so that the two can sit down. "Son you know I love you and I'd do everything to protect you right?" "Yes dad." "You also know that no matter what happens, you are my son and I love you right?" "Yes dad, why what is it? Your scaring me, dad." "Sixteen years ago, a friend of mine came to me with a dilemma and asked me for help. He was one of my closest friends so I met with him and after a devastating conversation, I decided to help him. He asked me if I can take care of his son for a while until he was ready to claim him once again. Son you were the little boy that we adopted 16 years ago. Through the years your father has helped in raising you financially, but he never had the right opportunity to get you back so you've been with us ever since." "So what you're saying is that you're not my real father?" "That's true, but it doesn't change the fact that I love you son." "Is Milton even my real name?" "Um, no, when your father gave you to me sixteen years ago, I wasn't able to ask what your name was. So I named you Milton Casper. But son, this doesn't change a thing. We love you no matter what, I love you no matter what son. Please speak to me..." "I don't even know who I am anymore. Is that the reason why mom hated me from the beginning? Is that the reason why I never felt like I belonged in this family and why I felt like you were always overcompensating for something?! I'll always be thankful for taking me in. But I need to go now. I'm sorry..." "Wait son please—"

With that Milton stood up and briskly walked towards the door. He wasn't even able to go very far when he had another episode. He had a hard time breathing and he felt like his heart was swelling. He started to lose his gaze and once again fell faint on the floor. This time Matthew was right there to call for the ambulance immediately and he was rushed to the hospital right away. With the sight of the fallen Milton happening on his watch once again, Matthew was feeling very angry at Jean for forcing his hand into telling Milton the truth without the proper setting. He seriously questioned in that moment if she could dare punish his daughter, but in his heart he thought that he needed to teach her a lesson. 

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