Chapter 8 Good News and Bad News

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Milton was diagnosed with Premature Ventricular Contractions. His already weakened heart, which unbeknownst to the Carmichaels, was already prevalent in Milton's youth. His stress levels, coupled with anxiety for the event that transpired earlier triggered his heart to skip beats which weakened him and caused him to faint. The doctors told him that it wasn't a fatal illness as long as he avoided stress and anxiety. He also advised Milton to rest for the next few weeks until he was strong enough to go back to school. Denise began feeling guilty for what she forced him to go through all those years when he was basically the house help. For the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of love and compassion towards Milton that she never thought she'd feel for him. Meanwhile Jean felt even angrier at Milton. Now that he was ill, she knew that she wouldn't be able to make his life miserable anymore. She knew that if she continued to do the things she did before, then she'd be the true villain of the family. Despite knowing what happened to him, she felt no remorse and even thought of more ways to make his life miserable. In her head, she thought that it was her responsibility to continue to make his life miserable.

John Dylan however was overjoyed that his best friend was still alive. He hugged him as tightly as he could as he whispered: "Never scare me again like that bro, I don't know what I'd do without you." Milton just smiled weakly as he said: "Layoff bro, I can't breathe. If this illness doesn't kill me, your hugs will." Milton's smile lit up the room despite it being dark and barren. Matthew meanwhile, just tapped JD on the shoulder and said: "Boy, time to let go now. We know that you're relieved that Milton is fine. We all are relieved. You can always visit him, but now you need to go home because it is quite late and I know your family is worried about you." JD just held Milton's hand as he said: "I'll visit you tomorrow bro. Rest up..." As soon as John Dylan left and the mother and daughter stepped out to eat, Matthew quietly whispered as he said: "Nothing is ever going to happen to you son. I promise. Everything is going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." By this point Milton was already asleep so he was talking to himself mostly and seemed to reassure himself more than anything.

The next day Matthew called Milton's father to tell him about what happened to his son. Once again they met at that same coffee shop and as soon as they sat down and ordered their coffee. He hunched his shoulders and covered his face. "Matthew my friend, what's wrong? Tell me. Did anything happen to my son?" "My friend, I can't take this anymore. Your son is ill. I just checked him in at St. Michael's Hospital. He has a heart condition and I don't think I can take care and protect your son any longer. You need to come to him and we need to come clean about his real family." "What? My son is ill?! What did the doctors say? Don't worry, whatever expense you have on my son, I'll take care of everything." "My friend, it's not about the money. You know I love your son like his my own but I fear that what happened to Milton is partially my fault. You know that my wife and daughter hasn't really treated your son well. I tried so hard to make life easier for Milton, but over the last few years, Denise's distaste towards Milton has grown to scary levels I never thought she could reach. My daughter is much worse because she has taken it upon herself to make Milton's life miserable. Please, for the sake of my family and for Milton's well-being, it's time to tell him the truth. While there is still time..." "Matthew, my friend, you can call me a coward but my family life is in a very precarious situation right now. I'll take care of whatever expense you have, but I just can't reveal myself just yet. I don't want to ruin my family right now. Please understand, we'll tell him everything in due time. Just give me more time. Please...." Matthew just nodded quietly as he drank his coffee. Even though he respected his friend so much, he respected him less from then on, as he thought it was very cowardly and selfish of him to still deny his son even after realizing he has an illness. When they separated ways, he realized that he could no longer depend on his friend to be responsible, so he promised himself that he would be the one to do whatever it took to protect and keep Milton happy. Meanwhile...

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