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A year later, Kristina was trying so hard to live by her late brother's example. She was already in college and she and John Dylan became really close the months after Milton's death. John Dylan asked her to be his girlfriend six months later and she said yes. He went on to study Organic Chemistry in the State University while she studied Journalism. The two were polar opposites but because of their friendship with Milton, their relationship flourished and soon became inseparable.

Meanwhile Kristina's father Jeremy finally got the courage to show his true affections towards Milton and surprisingly enough his wife Genevieve was quite supportive about everything. He opened up a foundation helping orphaned kids to get scholarships so that they could go to school and he aptly named it Miguel Montano Saavedra Scholarship Foundation. He used his real name as a tribute to the man he truly was and his mother who only gave love. In his son's death, Jeremy put up all his resources towards the foundation to show how much he loved him and that he would be sure to keep the legacy of his son's kindness, patience and generosity alive.

The Carmichaels meanwhile continued to live their lives away from the shadow of Milton's death. His death however caused ripples towards each member of the household. Jean felt horrible about her actions toward Milton that she had a total attitude adjustment. She changed her ways and challenged herself academically and slowly stripped away her shallow nature that defined her personality. She still had some of the toughness and strength that she developed in her youth, but she was able to channel it into a successful academic career as she followed Kristina and took up Journalism in the University as well. Matthew and Denise's relationship became strained for a while as he used all his time in helping Jeremy with the foundation, but in time the couple made amends and rekindled their vows shortly after.

Milton had such a lasting impact in Kristina'slife that she wanted to honor him in the best way she possibly can. Jean surprisinglyhad the idea to turn the journal into a novel so that even more people couldknow and appreciate his story. With the help of John Dylan, and the blessing ofMatthew and Jeremy, Kristina was able to turn the journal into a novel andaptly titled it "How an Outsider and My Long Lost Brother Changed my Life". Thenovel became a smashing success and a huge portion of the proceeds were put inthe foundation and became the driving force in giving the foundationrecognition for its help in the community and society as a whole. In the endMilton's kindness and generosity allowed everyone around him to become betterversions of themselves and they too were able to spread the love and positivityhe tried to imbue in his everyday life. In life Milton thought that he was justa speck in the hands of time, but in death his legacy affected numerouslives--not just with the ones he was directly in contact with but with hisentire community as well.     

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