count fifteen

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"My bad."


"I feel bad."


"I'm sorry."


"Just Brent, I apologize."


"So, we good now then."

"I'll give you a second chance I guess."

"Your second chance is trying to not be a immature pervert, and mine is talking to you more often and not leaving you?"


"Also, how do you plan to complete your second chance?"

"I'll be better, more gentlemanly."

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"I'm serious, I'm trying to be nicer and not bring stuff up. Already testing it out, seeing if it's more appealing."

"Doesn't really make any sense, but I'll bite. Who are you testing it out on?"



"I'm serious, I'm trying. Isn't there a difference? You can fix me. I believe!"

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm not worth the pursue, and I wouldn't waste efforts on me in general. How can I help you?"

"I mean it, Mandy. You're my second chance."

"You're so delusional."

"I can be better for you! And I'm just hopeful. I'll be your second chance too! Hazza!"

"You're a literal sin."

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