Yule Ball // Edited

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As the Christmas holidays drew to close, the excitement in Hogwarts rose. One day, I hung around with Hermione, finishing the last of our homework, and she'd told me, after much persuading, who had asked her in the end.

"Krum? Viktor Krum?" I asked, mouth agape. I dropped my quill onto the table and Hermione shushed me furiously as people gave us curious looks. "When?"

"Actually, it was right here in the library; he just came up to me and asked," she said, avoiding eye contact with me. I grinned and gave her a light push.

"Ooooo Hermione and Viktor," I teased, pronouncing his name as Vic-tore. "What are you naming your kids?"

"Oh, shut up," Hermione said, nudging me playfully. "What are you going to name your kids?" She said, giving me a knowing look.

"I'm not having any kids," I said, blushing. She grinned.

"Oh, really now?"

"Oh, shut it," I moaned, whacking her arm.

"Being serious for a second though, what's going on with you and George?"

"I like him," I said immediately. "A lot." I blushed as I realised I had said that without any hesitation at all.

"You're in love," Hermione cooed. I scowled at her tone and stuck my tongue out.

"Love..." I muttered, thinking about George. Was it love?

I pondered the question all week, musing about it whenever there wasn't anything for me to do. During the last week of the holidays, all the Sixth Year Gryffindors were gathered and taken to the great hall, where the tables had been pushed and piled to the sides, leaving a wide and empty space in the middle.

"Today, I have been instructed to give you all a quick session on dancing. This is in preparation for the Yule Ball next week, which I undoubtedly reckon you all know about." Chatter began resounding around the room, the boys groaning at the mention of practice while the girls giggled excitedly.

"Silence," McGonagall commanded. "The House of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the Wizard World for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirch the name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."

Fred smirked and turned to his brother. "Try saying that five times faster." I spluttered with laughter as they both attempted it, failing horribly. This gained them a sharp look from the Professor.

"Now," she continued, "to dance is to let the body breathe. For instance, inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight."

"Something's about to burst out of McGonagall," George whispered, leaning towards me, "but I don't think it's a swan." I bit my lip in an attempt to stop myself from laughing.

"Inside every boy, a lordly lion is prepared to prance." She paused and walked towards us, stopping right in front of me. "Mr. Weasley, will you join me," she said, demanding it rather than asking. George looked at his twin, who pushed him forward and I shuffled to the side, making space for him to get up.

They walked to the centre of the room and McGonagall turned George so that he was facing her. "Now, place your right hand on my waist."

I choked back a laugh as I watched George's face twist into one of horror. Fred grinned mischievously, nudging Angelina, who had an expression of shock on her face.

"Wh-where?" George spluttered, his eyes widening.

"My waist," McGonagall said, pulling his hand and placing it on her hip. Fred wolf-whistled and I burst into a fit of giggles as George turned towards us, his eyes making contact with mine, pleading us to do something. I smiled and shrugged, shaking my head, before I resumed laughing.

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