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Ezra pov.
Me and Sabine Was On A Mission. We Were To Destroy A Imperial Factory That Was Making Weapons. I Was Deflecting Shots While Sabine Was Planting Bombs. Keep Those Stromtroops Off Me Until I Can Finish This. Sabine said.

Working On It. I said. Well If You Were Really Working On It. Then These Guys Would Be Dead By Now. Look I'm Trying To Make Sure No One Hits You.

Then You're Doing Q Poorly Job At It. You Can't  Even Deflect a Fly If You Even Could. I Could Have Taken These Guys Down Faster Than You. Look I'm Sick of You Complaining About My Skills. It Was This Week and Last Week. You Don't Hear Me Talking About Your Warrior Skills.

Good Because My Skills Are Far More Impressive Than Yours. You Know What For A Mandaloraian. You're Pretty Much An Asshole. What's That Supposed To Mean? She ask.

I Mean You're Being An Asshole Right Now. While I'm Trying To Protect Your Life. I Mean A Thank You Could Be Nice. I said. Ok Thank You Ezra For Protecting My Life Even Though I Needed You Help In The First Place.

I Can Plant The Bombs and Do This. She Grab One of Blasters and Shot Three Stromtroops. Show Off. I said. Ok The Bombs Are Planted. Let's Get Out of Here. We Started Running Towards The Exit To Make Our Escape. But A Injury Stormtrooper Grab His Blaster and Shot Me.

I Fell To The Ground and Sabine Shot Him. She Looks At Me and I Look At Her. Sabine I'm Too Injured To Move. Help Me? I ask. She Looks At Me Again and Put Her Blaster Back On Her Side. Then She Started Running Away. SABINE WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!

She Stop and Says. Your Already Dead To Me. I Will Never Help A Jedi. I'll Help Kanan But Not You. Good Bye Ezra. With That She Left Me To Die. Then The Factory Exploded and Everything Went Dark.

15 minutes later
Yavin 4
Sabine pov.
I Made It Back To Yavin In The p
Phantom. I Have No Regrets of Leaving Ezra. He Should Have Never Call Me A Asshole. Serves Him Right. I Landed The Ship and Exit. Then I Saw The Crew.

Sabine How Was The Mission? Hera ask. Exactly Everything Went Planned. I said. Good. Um Where's Ezra? Zeb ask. I Look At Them Then Through of A Plan. Lie To Them. He Didn't Make It. He Stayed Behind Because The Factory Door Closed and He Was Trap On The Other Side.

He Told Me To Get Out of There. That My Life Was More Important Then His. So I Left. I Wish I Could Have Done Something. I said Acting Sad. Sabine It's Not Your Fault. Ezra Saved Your Life and Gave Up His Own. He's A Hero.

Thanks Hera. We'll All Miss Ezra. But Let's Not Think That He Die In Vain. We're Down One Member. But 5 Still Good Enough. Ok Everyone Let's Go Inside. They All Left and I Started Thinking To Myself.

I Can't Believe They Fell For That. But They Did. Now I Don't Have To Think About Ezra Anymore.

Somewhere In The Galaxy.
The Next Day
Ezra pov.
I Started To Wake Up But I Could Hardly See. And My Body Hurts. What Going On? Then I Heard A Door Open. Whose There? I ask. Someone You Have Met Before. The Person said. I Recognize That Voice. It Was Vader. I Tried Moving But Couldn't.

Relax Padawan. I'm Not Going To Hurt You. I'm Actually Helping You. How By Getting Information Out Me. No. I Just Saved Your Life. What Do You Mean. My Troopers Found You In The Wreckage of The Factory You Destroyed.

You Were Barely Alive and Badly Damaged. I Had Rush You To A Medical Center and Doctors Fix You Up. But Not In The Way You Think. What Do You Mean? You Were Badly Damaged. So They Had To Replace Your Arms, Legs, and Some of Your Body Parts.

WHAT!!! How Did This Happen? He ask As I Started To Think. Then I Remember. Sabine. She Left Me For Dead. She Abandoned Me. I said. You Want Revenge. Yes. Then Will You Be My Apprentice.

Yes Master But I Can't See. Don't Worry. I Already Got That Cover. I Felt Helmet Being Put Over My Head and I Could See. Try Out Your New Legs. I Got Up and Could Feel Them. I Look At My Hand and They Also Were Mechanical. I Made Fists and yelled.

SABINE YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!! In Time My Young Apprentice But You Be Train Both In The Darkside and How To Work Your New Body. Yes Master. Now Let's Go. He said and I Follow Him.

I'm Coming For You Sabine Wren. You're Going To Pay For This. I Can't Wait Until She Sees Me. Better and Badder. Hahahaha.

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