Nightmare Part 1

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An hour later.
Sabine pov.
We arrive back with the rest of the fleet and kanan was speaking with us. Ok how is it that ezra's alive? Sabine you clearly said he sacrificed hisself to save you. Kanan said. Kanan there's something I need tell you. I didn't tell the truth. I lied about ezra's death. I left him back at factory on purpose. I said with my head down.

You mean tell me that you been lying to us this inter time. Sabine do you realize that this is all your fault. You cause him pain and now he's a mad man with cyber warriors powerful enough to destroy us and possibly the empire. I know. I never meant for any of this to happen. I thought if I left ezra. He would be dead and life would turn back to normal. What do you mean by that?

I mean that it would be the 5 of us again before we meet ezra. Sabine things was normal with ezra. No they won't. Every since that day he join the crew. We been wanted by the empire more than anyone. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT HIM!!! JEDI POWERS, SAVING LOTHAL!!! I'M GOT SICK OF IT!!! SO I GOT RID OF HIM!!! I yelled. Sabine I'm very disappointed in you. You go back to your room and cool off. Kanan said

Fine whatever. I strom out of the room and into mine. I close the door and lock it. I went to my bed and laid down. I didn't mean for any of this happen. I was trying to get rid of him. But that didn't work. I need to rest. I close my eyes and went sleep.

When I fell asleep. I dream that I was on krownest. My home planet. I was walking to the house when I noticed that there was no warriors outside on guard portal. That's wired. I walk inside the house and started calling my family. Mother, Father, Tristan. I called but didn't get no response. Then I noticed a red light at the end of hallway. I walk to it and saw my mother.

Mom are you ok? She didn't answer or turn around. Mom is something wrong? Then she spoke. Actually sabine there is something wrong. She turn around and I saw her face. She was now cyber warrior. No. I said. Why haven't you got your cybernetic parts yet? Who did this you? Cyber Ezra. His idea of biological beings and mechanics as one was genius. I never have to worry about pain again. And I not the only one.

Out of the shadows came clan wren. They were also cyber warriors. Meet cyber clan wren sabine. Join us. Never mother. You have gone crazy. Then you leave me no choice. CYBER CLAN WREN ATTACK AND CAPTURE HER!!! My mother ordered. Yes your highness. They began shooting at me with the blaster in the hands. I ran known I can't take them all on. DON'T LET HER ESCAPE!!!

I kelp running until I made it outside and everything started turning black. My mother and clan wren was no longer following me. Then out of nowhere a red lightsaber strike at me. It was ezra. Sabine wren. Long time no see. He said.  You monster. How could you do that to my family? I ask. It's a better life for them. But not for you. He started walking towards me and reach for my blasters but they were gone.

Forgotten something. He said and started running towards me. I back up and fell in a hole I didn't see. Fall to whatever awaits me next.

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