Yavin 4 Under Attack

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A week later.
Sabine pov.
This week has been difficult. The inter base was on high alert. A week ago we lost contact with one of our bases and mon mothma sent a group to investigate why we lost contact. When they got there. They contacted her and said everyone and everything was dead and destroyed. We saw the live footage and it was horrible

What kind of monster could have done this. No way the empire could have done something like this. Then a alarm sounded. COMMANDER WREN PLEASE REPORT TO THE COMMAN CENTER!!! I got up and walk to the comman center.

2 minutes later.
I arrive to the comman center and saw everyone. What's going on? I ask. We just got word from our spys in the capital. The empire is on its way here. They have found our base. Mon mothma. So we need to evacuate the base? Yes I'll start the evacuation order. Before mon mothma could give the evacuation order another alarm went off.

Senator were detecting several ships coming out of hyperspace. One of the rebel officers said. Then the monitor came on and we saw 6 star destroyers. Their here faster than we expected. Lunch all fighters to keep the tie fighters busy and raise the base shields. The base shields were raise and the fighters were lunch. She press the evacuation button and everyone started lording the ships.

Then we got another alert. Senator were detecting several objects heading right for the shield. Sabine were needed outside. Kanan said and me, him, and zeb went outside.

30 seconds later.
We arrive outside and the objects heading right for the shield. Their never gonna break through that shield. Zeb said but was wrong. They went right through it and landed on the ground. They look like some kind of beast with cybernetic parts on them. Then there were some cyber troopers with them and one of them gave a command.

SEEKERS DESTROY THE BASE!!! LEAVE NO SURVIVORS EXCEPT FOR THE MANDALORIAN GIRL!!! He ordered and they began to attack. Guys we have to hold them off as long as we can so the rebels can grab what they need for evacuating. Kanan order. Lucky we had rebel troops with us for extra support. We started blasting them but our shot wasn't doing anything. They were only bounding out of them.

The seekers transform their hands into big blasters and started firing. It was strong then blaster then I ever seen. One shot killed 5 troops on impact. I grab a bomb and threw it a one. It landed on it. The seeker grab it and exploded in his face. Yeah I got. I said but then something happened. The smoke cleared and it was undamaged. That's impossible.

Hahahaha silly little mandalorian girl.  You can destroy us. We're invisibly. You can't hurt us. But we can hurt you. Seekers show them what else you got. The seekers transform their blasters into blades. They ran to some troops and slash them in half. EVERYONE RETREAT!!! BACK TO BASE!!! Kanan order. We ran back into the base and closed all the base doors.

We ran to the comman center to talk to mon mothma. We arrive and I ask. So how we get out of here now? We're going to try to rush them. Mon mothma said. But how? When we open the hangar doors again. We're going to fly out as fast as possible. You sure that will work? Zeb ask. Let's just hope so. Then we got another alert. Senator the cyber troopers get sent down another thing.

Let's look at the monitors. We look at the monitors and saw big trouble. They call on some big robotic mechs. And they were punching the hanger doors. We need to leave now. EVERYONE TO YOUR SHIPS!!! We all ran out of the comman center but kanan stop me. Sabine you and chooper go to the ghost. While me and zeb get hera. He said. Right just be back in time. I said and we were our separate ways.

Kanan pov.
Me and zeb ran down the hallway to the medical center but we stop when we saw bodies on the floor dead. Someone here. I said. But how did they get in? Zeb ask. I don't but we need to reach hera. We keep running until we reach hera's room. We open the door and saw her. Ok she's safe.

We walk to her but then red lighting came out of nowhere and shock me and zeb. AHHHHHHHHH!!! We yelled and fell to the ground. Then someone said thing. You two might want to be quiet. The captain is sleeping. Whose there? I ask. The figure step out of the shadows and it was the cyber sith.

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