Hacking The System

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One week later.
Sabine pov.
It's been over a week now and still trying to find out where they taken hera. I tried everything to hack into their network but it's to lock up to go any further. That is until now. I went into a common room and saw kanan. Kanan I think I found a way to find where hera is. I said. How? He ask. I pulled a hologram of our target.

 I pulled a hologram of our target

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This network tower. Are you crazy! Look at this place. This place looks heavily guard. No way were getting in there without getting shot. Ah that's why we're going in undercover as stormtroopers. How are we going to do that? I was listening on imperial frequency and they said they were getting new troops for extra security. We can attack that shuttle, take their armor, and slip into the base undetected. Fine this plan better work. It will.

2 days later.
We attack the shuttle yesterday and took the stormtrooper armor. Now we were in the shuttle heading to the tower. Me, kanan, chopper, and some rebel troops. I was going over the the plan. Ok so we're landing here. The computer system is on the top of the tower. I need to get in there with chopper so he can download the data. Once that's done well head back outside to the shuttle and leave before anyone gets caught.

Any questions? I ask. No commder. They said. Good let's do this. We came out of hyperspace and we received a transmission from the tower. SHUTTLE 2-64 YOU ARE CLEAR TO LAND. The tower control center said. Ok everyone stick to the plan. The ship landed and we walk out. That's when an imperial officer came up to us.

You new troops are to report to area 3-6D. He said. Right move it troopers. Kanan said and we started moving. Ok so what's next sabine? Well let's head to the top of the tower. Luckily when we walk past that officer. I stole his key card. I said. Good that will give us easy access to the tower. After a few minutes of walking we finally made it to the tower.

There were some stormtroopers guarding the door. Hold it right there! We're do you think you all are going? One of them ask. We were ordered to come here for extra support. Kanan said. We received no orders for extra security. I'm calling this in. He was about to contact imperial command but I pulled out my blaster and stun him and the one next to him.

Ok kanan stay down here and guard this door. Make sure no one gets past. While I get the information we need. I said. Right. I open the door and me, chooper and two troops went up. We arrive and shoot the imperials inside. Ok let's do some hacking. Chopper started hacking into their network and started downloading the information I needed. This might take a while.

3 minutes later.
Chopper was almost done downloading the information. Then in a few seconds he was done. Good let's get out of here. We got into the elevator and I contacted Kanan. Kanan we got information. We're coming down to you. That's good because we need your help fighting off these stormtroopers. The elevator came to the bottom and it open reviving kanan and the others fighting stromtroops.

I think they figure out your plan sabine. Don't I got this. I threw a bomb at them and we ran. The bomb exploded killing most of the stromtroops. We ran back to the stolen shuttle and took off as fast as possible before they shot us down. Well that could have went better. Kanan said. Yes and this. I said and press a button and the hole inter tower exploded.

I didn't think you were going to blow up the tower. You think I wasn't going to blow up anything after this mission. That's not the sabine way. Whatever let's get out. After he said that the ship went into hyperspace.

2 hours later.
I was back on the ghost looking through the information. Searching for any signs of hera. Then I found something. Kanan I found something. I called out to him. He came running into the room and ask. What did you find? It's says here hera is being transferred to a prison. Located here on this planet. When? In 2 days.

Then that's our next mission. We go there, save hera, and find a way to stop that cyber Sith. Sounds like a plan to me. I said and look back at the data. Don't worry hera we'll save you.

Somewhere in space
Cyber Ezra pov.
I was in my room meditating until my captain came in. Sir we just got word that the mandalorian girl named sabine wren attack and destroys a network tower. He said. Is that so. I said. Yes sir. Hum just as I thought along. I knew wren couldn't help but to look for hera.

She's so predictably. She still doesn't get it. I know her moves before she does them. What should we do sir? Nothing. I already got a plan in motion. She's so stupid that she's asking to be killed. She won't get away from me this time. Is that all sir. Yes captain that's all. I said and he left. I can wait to see the look on their faces when I reveal my new toy. Hahahaha.

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