kidnapped pt.1

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*15 minutes later*

I finally got to the hotel after a long ride,when i got to my room i put my stuff away.i was getting ready when i got a call that magcon got cancel for the next three days so i decides to explore around the city so i changed to my motorcycle clothes and got my helmet(she always carry a gun with her☺).I was roaming around when this black suv van cut me off like they were in a hurry so I used my x-ray vision and I saw people tied up but their faces were covered so me being me I decided to follow it.

*Arriving at warehouse*

I arrived at the old warehouse, I parked further back so they would notice I was following them. I shape-shifted to a cat so it would be easier to enter. I finally found my way to enter the warehouse, when I entered I couldn't believe my eyes.....

it was the MagCon boys. Right at that moment I knew I had to do something or I would get fired if one dies.I found my way around but something didn't seem right I wasn't the only one who was a werewolf. There were probably 4 to 5,I knew this wasn't good because when I got a better loon at who the hey were I couldn't believe it.....

There you go another update I'm doing part 2 so stay tuned people

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