Surprise ?

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"Nothing can come between you and I" Niall says as we hold hands while walking back to his place . "Expect this pole that we're gonna run into if you don't let go of my hand" I say which causes him to laugh , but he soon let's go of my hand. But once we pass the pole his hand is in mine once again .

That's one thing I love about him , he likes people to know I'm his and he's mine . He likes to show off and to be honest I don't mind , I mean why would I ? We love each other and that's all that matters.

We soon stop infront of a little cafe and he opens the door for me which causes me to smile . We walk inside and the warmness of the cafe hits me . With it being September it does get chilly here and there every once in a while .

Me and Niall talk to pass time while we wait in the long line . Next thing I know we're next "may I help you?" "Yes could we get two large hot teas with two pumps of sugar please" "what's your name?" "Niall" he nodded and write Niall's name on our cups and I decided to wait for our drinks while Niall paid .

I tap my foot on the ground waiting for our drinks when I just happened to look to my right only to see Sean and Selena kissing . I don't know why but I just wanted to walk up to them and pull them apart .

Could I possibly still have feelings for him ? Or is it just the fact that he's just kissing the one girl I hate the most ? . I try to figure it out but was brought back into reality as Niall's name was called out letting us know our drinks were ready . I walk up to the counter and say thank you and walk past Selena and Sean only to have her smirk at me .

Looks like two can play at this game .

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