Trouble , trouble

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~Jackie's P.O.V~

I was to busy watching the little kids run around to even notice that harry was done talking on the phone . If he didn't put his arms around me I probably wouldn't have notice anytime soon to be honest . I smile as I thought back to when me and Harry were kids , we would always run around and play tag or even have little races just to see who was the fasted . It was cute actually , even our parents told us that we were 'irresistible' , I think it's because whenever I was in trouble he'd always be there for me or if he ever needed anything id climb out my window and meet him somewhere . Who would have thought that me and Harry would actually fall in love ? "Harry is that you?!" I turn around only to have Harry's arms wrap around someone else and if I'm honest she absolutely gorgeous .

"Oh my goodness Amber I haven't seen you in what ? 6 years ?! How have you been?" Harry asked while smiling at her . "I've been good how have you been?! I haven't seen you in ages the last time I saw you was when we ended up hooking up at prom" she says pushing him slightly which causes me to stand there awkwardly and he laughs and pushes her back . They begin to talk and talk like I wasn't even there I just sighed and that caused Harry to turn around "are you tired love?" Seriously ? "Yeah" I lie "here take the keys to the house I wanna catch up with Amber" she smiles at me and I yank the keys out of his hand and walk off .

~Daniellas P.O.V~

Today's the day me and my lovely boyfriend head off to London to see our best friends and I can't wait . I've been up all night planning on what I was going to wear and what me and Jackie are going to do and I kept going on and on about it to the point I made Niall kiss me to shut me up not that I minded though . "Niall hurry up we have to be at the airport in twenty minutes!" I shout as he runs downstairs "alright are you ready love ?" "Yes now let's go!" I say grabbing his hand and walking out the door . Once we arrived to the airport it wasn't packed which was surprising because it's usually packed around this time . Me and Niall talked to pass time and next thing I knew was that our flight number was being called which caused me to smile , me and Niall walked up to the lady and hand her our passports and plane tickets and once she was done she handed them to us and we made our way towards the planes entrance . We sit down and I grab Niall's hand into mine "it's your first time on a plane isn't it love?" "How could you tell?" He laughs "babe your holding onto my hand for dear life and the plane hasn't even left yet" I blush and let go only to have him hold my hand once more "I didn't say I didn't like it" he says kissing my forehead which caused me to smile and blush even more . "When you blush love , you look even more beautiful if that's even possible" he says which causes me to kiss him lightly only to leave him wanting more . The plane begins to take off and I close my eyes as Niall whispers sweet nothings into my ear letting me know that it's going to be okay and that he loves me . I smile and relax only to find myself off to dream land .

~Harry's P.O.V~

"Is that your girlfriend?" Amber asked me and I nodded and I could tell she didn't like Jackie already once I saw a disgusted look on her face . "Oh , why is she here ? She sounds American" she questioned "because me and her moved here you know that's kinda what you do when you love someone" I say only to have her look away . "Well looks like she won't be your girl for long styles" I look at her confused and she pointed to where I saw Jackie talking to a boy I use to go to school with . Liam Payne , the schools bad boy and jock of the school . I scrunch up my nose and shake my head and excused myself and walked towards Jackie and kissed her , she seemed surprised but kissed me back . I pull away and looked Liam in the eyes and say "let's go home babe" I give Liam a smirk and grab Jackie's arm and pull her body close to mine and begin to walk home .

~Daniellas P.O.V~

Before I knew it we were already in London and let me tell you that it is beautiful! I grab my suit cases and head out towards Harry's car as he waits for me and Niall and to my surprise Jackie isn't in the car which causes me to frown and Harry seemed to notice "Jackie's cooking dinner love don't worry she's at our flat" I laugh "Jackie cooking ? Oh my god that's a good one styles" I say causing all of us to laugh "be nice that is my girlfriend you know" Harry jokes back but also being a little serious which causes me to hold in my laugh . I look out the car window as it starts to rain and I can't help but notice a guy with a black quiff and amazing brown eyes and his amazing tattoos and to my surprise he seems to notice me too . He smirks at me and winks and I blush and i try to calm myself down because we pulled up into Harry's driveway and the car finally comes to a stop which causes me to jump out of the car and run inside Harry's house and Jackie looks at me and runs into my arms and we hold each other and neither of us say a word we didn't need to we both knew we missed each other and now we finally got to see each other once again .

*snap* me and Jackie hear and turn around only to see Harry taking a picture of us and we glare at him "what ? That could be our first picture we put up in the house" he says happily and Jackie groans "let's go Dee I'll show you where yours and Niall's room is and please if you have sex please wait till me and Harry aren't home" Jackie says causing Harry to fist bump Niall and caused my cheeks to heat up . Man this is going to be a long visit I thought .

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