New girl , new problems

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~Daniella's P.O.V~

I wake up the next morning after Niall dropped me off and I groan I have school in an hour . Great I thought as I drag my body off my bed not wanting to get up but not wanting to miss school . I do my usual thing brush my teeth , wash my face and brush my hair . I walk over to my closet and pull out a white long sleeve and black tights with my combat boots and a grey beanie . I quickly apply lip gloss and head down stairs to where my bag was .

I quickly grab it along with a bottle of water and some chips for me and Jackie to eat at lunch due to the fact that we don't eat school lunch because it's gross . I grab my running shoes for p.e and head out the door to where my mom and brother and little sister were waiting for me at . I smile once I got into the car and said my good mornings which they returned .

Once I got to school I see Jackie already waiting for me but a mad and sad expression was clear on her face . I walk up to her and she looks at me "what's wrong?" I ask worriedly "you didn't hear?" "Hear what?" I say confused . "There's a new girl here and she's getting a little to close with our boyfriends" she says making her face fill with anger

I didn't even say anything I just walked straight towards are table and Jackie was right . There she was , a blonde girl with a red crop top on and ripped jeans and a perfect body just laughing and hitting our boyfriends playfully on their arm . I don't say anything and neither did Jackie we just walk right passed our boyfriends so that they knew we were pissed off .

I thought after Selena left me alone I wouldn't have to deal with this anymore , but clearly I was wrong . A new girl means a new problem and I can't blame her for being all over our boyfriends they are good looking guys but it's the fact that they didn't seem bothered by the fact that she was flirting with them that's what pissed us off .

~Jackie's P.O.V~
Me and Daniella just walk without saying a word and to be honest I could tell that we were both bothered by this . Even though none of us would admit it but the fact that we're best friends we already know that we both don't like what's going on . I walk to first period and so does Daniella and we didn't say anything at all we just went our own way and that was that .

~Daniella's P.O.V~
I walk into first period praying that it would go by fast which it did and I was thankful for that . Me and Jackie met up so we could walk to second period together and once we did we began walking when we see Niall and Harry walking towards us with the new girl . My grip on Jackie's arm became stronger and the boys stop in front of us causing us to stop .

"Guys I'd like to meet Ashley" Harry says smiling and Jackie rolls her eyes "and you guys are?" Ashley puts her hand out so we can shake it "we're late" Jackie says walking passed her hitting hers and Harry's shoulder which causes harry to pout and Niall pulls me aside "what's up?" He looks at me confused "nothing's up everything is just peachy" I say walking passed him .

The whole day went by fast and of course the boys tried to talk to us but we ignored them the whole time . Okay yeah maybe we were over reacting but if you have a girlfriend you would and should put that person in check if their hitting on you . After the final bell rung for today letting us know it was time to go home I quickly picked up my things and headed out towards Jackie only to see her and Harry fighting .

~Jackie's P.O.V~
"What's up with you today you were acting rude towards Ashley" Harry says which causes me to laugh "harry are you serious ? She's been flirting with you all fucking day . She hasn't left yours and Niall's side and it's annoying because you ignored us this morning to hangout with her" "well it's because she has no friends it's called being nice and not everyone flirts with people that are taken like you do Jackie" I was taken back and I knew he quickly regretted it .

"Jackie no that's not what I mean" I shake my head "just fuck off styles I'm sure Ashley's waiting for you" I say below a whisper and to my surprise he heard me . "Jackie don't she's not-" he was cut off by Ashley "there you are are you still going to give me a ride?" She says smirking at him . "Yeah but I have to drop Jackie-" "no you don't it's fine I rather walk" I say truthfully and walk towards Daniella almost in tears but not letting them fall .

~Daniella's P.O.V~
Jackie walks over to me and I don't say anything but hug her knowing that she was about to cry . I give Harry a death glare and I knew he felt bad , but once I look at Ashely she had a smirk on her face which made my body cringe . We walk out the gate and start heading towards my house when Harry's car passes us . Jackie sighs and I go to say something but was stopped by Niall's car pulling out in front of us .

"Get in" "go ahead Dee , I'm just going to walk home I really wanna be alone" I was going to say no but was stopped once Niall put me inside of the car and quickly left . "What the hell is wrong with you today?" "Ashely is what's wrong with me" "what ? You hardly know her" "oh and you do ? Whatever niall take me home" he didn't say anything knowing that it was the best thing to do at this point .

Once we get to my house I quickly get out and slam his door and walk towards my door and opening it and slamming the door shut . Who knew that After a beautiful weekend I would have to come back to this shit ? .

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