Tell Me A Lie

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~Jackie's P.O.V~

I woke up in a bed that wasn't Harry's , my heart started to break as I saw someone else laying next to me . He didn't have a mop of curls or his lips weren't as pink as Harry's . I soon remember everything that happened which caused me to get out of bed and make my way downstairs and lay on the couch , the memories floated back and they wouldn't stop . One memory after another and another , I felt someone touch my shoulder so I look up and to my surprise it was Liam "are you okay babe?" He asked still half asleep which caused me to put on a fake smile for the boy that was standing next to me "yeah I'm fine" I lie and he nods "come back to bed" he whispered as he took my hand and led me up the stairs once again .

~Daniella's P.O.V~

"Babeeee , we really should go to the movies" I whine as I kiss Zayn's neck and he chuckles at my child like behavior "well what do you want to see love?" "A scary movie" I say clapping my hands and he looks at me and laughs "okay go get ready and we'll leave and see what's playing" I kiss his cheek and make my way upstairs. I quickly get out of my sweats and Zayn's shirt and throw on a white long sleeve shirt and black tights and put on my combat boots and a grey beanie and I curl the ends of my hair and walk downstairs only to have Zayn look at me with wide eyes . "What?" "You look bad ass love" I blush at his comment and kiss his pink lips as we make our way outside .

~Niall's P.O.V~

I pick up Jessica and if I'm honest she looks lovely , I kiss her cheek and she blushes but her blush wasn't as cute as Daniellas . She grabs my hand as we began walking towards the theater and if I'm honest her hands didn't fit mine as perfectly as Daniellas did . Once we get there I see her and Zayn holding hands and smiling and it broke my heart , she didn't even notice I was there because she was too busy kissing him to notice . They buy the movie tickets to see 'The Haunting Of AnnaBell" and walked inside . I walk up to the window "Can I help you?" The lady asked "Yes Id like two tickets to see The Haunting Of AnnaBell please" she nodded and gave me the tickets and I paid the total amount and walked inside with Jessica . I know it was wrong to spy on Daniella and Zayn but I just had to and poor Jessica didn't even notice that I wasn't even paying attention to her and I felt bad for that .

~Harry's P.O.V~

I was laying down watching Tv when my phone started to ring , I didn't bother looking at the caller ID "hello?" I answer "Harry?" My whole body froze , it was Jackie's voice on the other end "Jackie?" I ask clear surprise in my voice "Um hey , I was wondering if I could maybe come over?" I somehow find myself smiling . Maybe she wanted me back I thought "Of course love" I knew she was blushing , that was something she always seemed to do around me . "Alright I'll be there soon" she says hanging up . I decided I'd clean up a bit while I wait for her .

~Daniella's P.O.V~

The movie has been playing for a little over an hour and I had to go pee so bad but I didn't want to miss anything but then again I didn't want to pee my pants either . I excused myself to the lady's room and when I began walking towards it someone tugged on my arm , I was expecting it to be Zayn but it wasn't it was Niall . I gulp as he pushes me into the lady's room and into a stall as he locks it , he doesn't say anything all he does is kiss me and I can't help but feel butterflies. I try to control myself and not put my hands in his perfect blonde hair but as soon as he bit my lip it was all over , my hands went straight for his hair .

I tug on it and he moans into the kiss which causes me to pull away "this is so wrong" I say breathlessly "but it feels so right" he added . I couldn't believe this , I let him win i totally gave in to quickly . I pushed him away and try to get out but I couldn't he pinned me against the wall "you cannot tell me you don't love me still" he whispers "Niall I don't love you" I lie "you're lying Daniella we both know it , you can keep telling me your lies all you want but we both know the truth" and with that he let go of me and left .

~Jackie's P.O.V~

I make my way towards Harry's house and once I walk up the steps I knock on his door and not even a minute later he opens the door , I stare at him for a moment before making my way inside . I just missed him a lot actually and I know I keep telling myself that I don't but I know deep down inside I do . I miss his touch , his laugh , his smile , his everything really . "Hey harry" I say giving him a hug and once our bodies connected again I didn't want to let go but I knew I had to . We make our way over towards the couch and sit down "So what's up?" He says playing with his hands "I just wanted to come by ya know to see if you were okay" I say somewhat truthfully . "I'm not trying to be rude but excuse me love I should be asking if you're okay , what I did was wrong and I'm sorry you had to actually see it ." I nod understanding "To be honest harry I came to see you , actually hug you again because I actually miss you . I didn't want to admit it but I do , I seriously fucking miss you and it hurts waking up in someone else's bed and having to hug and kiss someone else . Someone who's not you okay harry there I said it and I miss you but we both know you don't deserve me" I knew he was taken back but all he did was connect his lips with mine "you're right I don't deserve you that's why I'm letting you go . It hurts a whole damn lot but if it means you're happy then it's worth it" "I love you harry" "I love you too Jackie but now it's time for you to love someone else and it's time for me to be replaced . It's okay love just remember I'll always been in your heart"

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